We have seen, over the years, HUNDREDS of news stories about rampaging illegal Mexicans (the majority of illegals but not all) killing American citizens, raping and beating women, molesting children. Over and over and over and over again and again, endlessly.

Yet, not a word from the Mexican embassy.

BUT, let some of their citizens be harmed in the USA and, hey.....


http://portal.sre.gob.mx/usa/index.php? ... le&sid=162


The Foreign Ministry is seriously concerned about the events of September 30th in Tifton and Colquitt counties in southern Georgia where twelve Mexicans living in different trailer parks were attacked by several people. Apparently the motive was to rob them of their cash.

Five of the Mexicans died as a result of the attacks. They have been identified. Of the seven remaining victims, six were sent to the hospital. Two have been released, and a third will probably be released later today. One is in critical condition and the other two are in stable condition.

The Mexican consulate in Atlanta has learned that four of the Mexicans are from Chiapas, two from San Luis PotosÃÂ*, two from Zacatecas, one from Hidalgo and one from the Yucatan. The identities of the remaining two individuals are still being determined.

The families of the deceased have been contacted in order to provide them with the necessary consular assistance, both for returning the bodies to their hometowns in Mexico and for receiving any compensation to which they are entitled as the families of victims of violent crimes. The wounded individuals are being helped to contact their families. For those who are seriously wounded, humanitarian visas are being processed so that their families can visit them.

The Mexican consulate in Atlanta has expressed to the director of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and to the other local officials involved Mexico's serious concern regarding this issue and of the serious consequences that it might have if steps are not taken to quickly apprehend the criminals. In addition, the consulate has stressed the importance of guaranteeing the protection of all individuals and of enforcing the law regardless of the nationality or immigration status of the victims.

The Mexican government condemns the use of violence against Mexicans. President Fox's administration and the Foreign Ministry in particular, believe that protecting immigrants and their right to fair, dignified and equal treatment is a day-to-day priority. Every effort will be taken in cooperating with the local authorities to make sure that these crimes do not go unpunished.
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How long can we allow an enemy of our country and culture to not only invade us but to ignore the ENORMOUS amount of harm its citizens commit against us yet cry like the losers they are when something bad happens to their own people who INVADED us?

Over the decades there have been PLENTY of horror stories of what has occurred to Americans visiting Mexico.

The double standard has to stop.

If only we had a General Patton in the presidential office. The Mexican consulates would be ordered out and (edited by me) would comence, within the USA to expel every single invader and................. well, I agreed to not mention certain things. Let it suffice to say that around 5 trillion dollars in reparations to pay us back for the harm committed against us before (self-edited) and permanently sealing the border.

My anger is immense.

Are there 20 million other Americans as angry as I?

I am ready to march (self-edited) to make the necessary alterations to save our country and culture before it is too late.

Sadly, unlike the patriots of old, I do not think there are enough to join me to make a difference.

Guess that sports game on the TV and the sale at the mall are more important.


Perhaps this country and culture deserves what it will get.