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  1. #1
    silverblade's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Mexican(Mexi-Nazi) tactics eerily similar to the WWII Naxi's

    The Mexicans tactics in America are eerily similar to those of the WWII Nazi's. That is why I call them Mexi-Nazi's

    The Nazi's used racist tactics to justify their actions and invasions. Some of these tactics were saying that they were the race destined to have the land.
    The Mexi-Nazi's justify their invasion by saying that this is the land of the "brown" man and destined for them. I wonder if these Mexican Indians(Metizo,Maya,etc) realize their ancestoral land was NEVER in what is now the USA? THe American Indians held that land(ie Apache, Kiowa, Wichita,Tonkawa, Comanche, etc).

    The Nazi's said That anyone not of their race was an enemy.
    How many Mexi-Nazi's have you heard say caucasians are the enemy.

    The nazi's encouraged their women to have as many ethnically pure kids as they could so as to overwhelm the ethnically impure.
    Mexi-Nazi's are continually saying that they will soon be the majority because they will overwhelm us by having many children.

    The nazi's said that the borders around them were illegal because the land should belong to them.
    How many times have you heard a Mexi-Nazi racist say "I didnt cross the border, it crossed me"?

    The Nazi's forced their "ethnicity" upon all others.
    Look around the USA, the Mexi-Nazi's are forcing their ethnicity upon us. Do they have to make everything including the daily news in English & Spanish?

    Hitler put his "people" into his opponents military to penetrate their leadership.
    Mexico encourages "their people" to the join the military in the USA to help when the the time comes to take America.

    America needs to stop this wave of Mexican racism before America goes to civil war.

    In a land that is supposed to welcome everyone from all ethnic gropus, why are hispanics allowed to be given preference? That is the racism in America. Non-hispanic immigrants have to work 10 times harder than hispanics for anything they want!

    United we stand, divided we fall......This is a good statement is America is divided into 2 languages.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Prior to 1965, a Hispanic immivasion of the American Southwest was simply inconceivable. Previous generations of Americans were made of sterner stuff. They were self-confident, ethnocentric, proud of the civilization their ancestors had created in North America. The mass deportations of illegal aliens under Hoover and Eisenhower reflect that; something which has been considered off the table since the 1970s.

    The immigration disaster we are now faced with is the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. After Martin Luther King gave his famous "I Have a Dream Speech," white Americans bought into the notion of eschewing group affiliations and thinking of themselves as purely autonomous individuals in a new colorblind society. To act otherwise is to commit the most hideous sin imaginable - racism. The problem with this worldview is that other societies, Mexico foremost amongst them, never experienced this sort of reformation. Milllions of immigrants have come here from the third world over the past forty years and have retained their traditional ethnocentrism and identification with their nation of origin. For that matter, so has Black America.

    What we are seeing today is a largely conservative, aging, infertile, deracinated white majority of middle class individualists colliding head on with younger, poorer, ethnocentric, left-of-center Hispanics who are exploding in numbers. The former is being routed because of its own individualism and commitment to the ideological anti-racism of the sixties (which has left it utterly paralyzed and unable to stake out and defend any form of group interests). All in all, a fascinating lesson in how xenophobia and ethnocentrism enhances evolutionary fitness.

    Just the perspective of a bemused bystander.

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