I am coming to believe that this illegal immigration imbroglio is more like a symptom than a larger sickness. The ineffective (Bush), unresponsive(Cheney), corrupt (Abramoff), outdated (Kennedy), "democratic" paradigm is our disease. I was a big McCain man for a long time, but he is lost to me forever after even suggesting the A word. But he is right about campaign finance and lobby reform, Nancy Pelosi is right too on that count. If we had an actual representative democracy responsive to voters rather than special interests we never would arrived at this frightening place as illegals are just fopllowing the money no differently or less mindlessly than our politicians.

I am finding a growing satisfaction that this particular issue has "come to a head", as I have had to truly confront my own aiding and abetting of the decline of American society. I have been consuming television as if it were the air I needed to breathe, I have been driving my Blazer 4x4 with irreverant pride, I had even become an occasional lush, I had come to seek quantity over quality in all aspects of my life. America isnt the only one that needs a wake up call...I realize that I do too. I refuse to have to apologize to my unborn children for not protecting and conserving. I can't just blame the illegals for the nations ills either. We, through our apathy and our crooks..I mean elected representatives, practically invited these indignant and irreverent aliens.

Long story short,... I haven't had any tobacco in 6 days COLD TURKEY after 13 years of dedicated patronage to Phillip Morris and RJR. I have also made a pact with myself not to do business and therefore endorse any company I wouldn't work for, which especially includes but is not limited to, those that employ or support the employment of illegal aliens. I don't/won't watch any television aside from news and PBS anymore, it is addictive. I spent most of my life without any tv at all (military school, living in Africa), but as soon as I signed up for cable in college, I was hooked. It was like a junkie's first fix. No more... Hollyweird can keep their crap. what have any of them done for me other than make me feel somehow jealous or shallow towards my fellow man. I have and am making other choices and hope that I am able to stay faithful to this, as even if it doesn't change this political state, at least I will be better for it.

Maybe if all Americans start seeing their roles in allowing these crooks to get away with this for so long, the collective realization will change the tide. Aside from the occasional unpleasant hunger for a cigarette I already feel better. So, thanks ANSWER, thanks La Raza, thanks McCain, alien boycotters, I am not a bystander to life anymore. I also don't feel as distant to my fellow Americans anymore. I see a wellspring of genuine human kindness, deep loyalty, and unbridled kinship being reinvigorated by these times. Maybe we actually owe these people a thank you for helping us find our unity again.