Let us now clear up the 'Militant Mexican' counterfeit claim
that the US 'stole' the Southwest from Mexico

Mexicans are Not a Kindred People – i.e., "La Raza" IS NOT a “race united”.
The following sounds like a page right out of Das Kapital, by Karl Marx.
The manifesto for Marxist Communist global expansionism.


The term "La Raza" has its origins in early 20th Century Latin American literature, and translates into English most closely as "the people," or, according to some scholars, "the Hispanic people of the New World." The term was coined by Mexican scholar José Vasconcelos to reflect the fact that the people of Latin America are a mixture of many of the world's races, cultures, and religions - Europeans, Africans, and Native Americans; Arabs and Jews; "old world" and "new world." Subsequent scholars built on this idea, pointing out that no other area of the world had experienced such a mix of race and culture.

Some people have mis-translated "La Raza" to mean "The Race," implying that it is a term meant to exclude others. In fact, the full term coined by Vasconcelos, "La Raza Cósmica," meaning the "cosmic people," was developed to reflect not purity but the mixture inherent in the Hispanic people. This is clearly an inclusive concept, meaning that Hispanics share with all other peoples of the world a common heritage and destiny, and that Latinos provide an example of a world in which traditional concepts of race can be transcended.
(Source: The National Council of La Raza) http://www.latinoiowa.com/2002/11/04/LaRaza.html

The statement above, “...Hispanics share with all other peoples of the world a common heritage and destiny” is plain and clear Marxist Communist propaganda. Further saying that, "...Latinos provide an example of a world in which traditional concepts of race can be transcended" is a pivotal psychological brainwashing criterion for the formulation of a Marxist communist society having no religion, no race, no culture, no individual identity, and ultimately no private property. Indeed, "race" is the most critically instrumental factor in defining heritage, religion, culture and individual identity.

If Mexicans want no defining heritage, religion, culture and individual identity - and want to continue believing the propaganda of their Communist Left leaders - then they have no heritage, no culture, and no definable future.

When one takes into account the original definition of “La Raza”, then their ludicrous nonsense becomes even more hopeless. La Raza supposedly means, according to an obvious communist activist: (The term was coined by Mexican scholar José Vasconcelos to reflect the fact that the people of Latin America are a mixture of many of the world's races, cultures, and religions - Europeans, Africans, and Native Americans; Arabs and Jews; "old world" and "new world." ).

This would mean that so-called “Aztlan” would belong to the world (United Nations), not some self-defined, self-styled militant Mexican political insurgents staking out territory as they please - typically with a violent drug culture of gangland warfare. However, both concepts are just plain wrong and unsupportable.

It is indeed easy to make such grand, sweeping, yet meaningless statements for the mentally challenged to cite as incongruous rallying points. However, ask their leaders to define “common heritage and destiny”. To have a common heritage with someone, one must be from the same racial background and geographical area (unbroken heritage from Scotland, for instance). To have a “common destiny” would mean that someone considers themselves a “soothsayer fortuneteller” speaking for the masses while seeing into the future. These odd, mental gymnastics reflects their bizarre mindset of intractable and incoherent thinking.

Mestizaje is an ideology which believes that the fusion of various cultural traditions (including language, religion, food, music, etc.) in the Americas created a new and better mestizo race. This idea gained strength after the Mexican Revolution, and José Vasconcelos (see Vasconcelos above) popularized it in his 1925 essay La raza cósmica (The Cosmic Race).

Mestizos are the people resulting from the blending of European, Indian, and African race and traditions in Latin America. At different places and times, they have also been called ladinos or cholos.

"A self-identifying people who share a common history, often language, a common culture and a homeland. A nation is the most persistent and resistant organization of people-culture-territory.

Close identification with the concerns of a particular country or nation.

The so-called "La Raza Nation of Aztlan" contradicts the very definition of "nation" and is outright war against the very principles and tenants upon which the United States of America was founded and flourished. La Raza Aztlan communist ideology intends destroying all that, and is emboldened enough to threaten the ceding of entire US States. Take a drive through any US City "occupied" by militant Mexicans and take a hard look at their violent gangland anarchy and its dissolute 'achievements'.

If you are a White Anglo Saxon Protestant, you might reconsider taking that drive.
That is not a flippant remark, but rather a stern warning for your safety.