This is a segment from Lou Dobbs' show--January 5, 2006:

And tonight, the government of Mexico once again displaying stunning if not surprising hypocrisy. Mexican officials are criticizing the United States over the shooting death of an illegal alien smuggler who attacked a U.S. border patrol agent. At the same time, the government of Mexico has refused to do anything about the escalating violence from Mexican criminals against U.S. law enforcement officers.

CASEY WIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): It's all too common along the heavily-guarded border near San Diego. An illegal alien climbs a makeshift ladder like this one, then throws large rocks at a border patrol agent. The tactic is designed to distract agents so a larger group of illegal aliens can cross elsewhere. But the assaults are potentially deadly, and last weekend a border patrol agent defended himself against an 18-year-old Mexican national.

LT. KEVIN ROONEY, SAN DIEGO POLICE DEPT.: The agent then pulled out his duty weapon, and as the male threw the rocks at him, the agent fired back.

WIAN: The alien smuggler fled back into Tijuana, where he later died. Now the Mexican government is using the shooting to pressure the United States to drop its plans for beefed-up border security.

LUIS CABRERA, MEXICAN CONSUL GENERAL: We condemn the use force. We condemn this incident.

VICENTE FOX, MEXICAN PRESIDENT (through translator): We have already requested to the proper channels a complete and total explanation regarding the shooting.

WIAN: Some Mexican politicians say that's not enough, call the Fox administration's response to the shooting spineless. Even pro- illegal alien groups in the United States are complaining.

CHRISTIAN RAMIREZ, AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE: His only crime was to come to the United States to find a better life for himself. He should not be punished by death.

WIAN: Actually, the Border Patrol says the man had been apprehended 11 times for illegal alien smuggling inform recent years, the Border Patrol has gone to great lengths to find non lethal deterrents to rock throwing illegal aliens, including the use of guns that fire pepper powder and steel caged vehicles.

NICHOLAS COATES, SENIOR BORDER PATROL AGENT: Assaults in this area occur every day, several times a day. And our assault numbers, especially in this area, have gone up dramatically in the last year.

WIAN: It's also true elsewhere. Texas Border Patrol agents report they've been shot at 35 times in the past week by drug or alien smugglers from across the Rio Grande.

(on camera): While the Mexican government is quick to criticize any use of force by the U.S. Border Patrol, it's done almost nothing to stop the rising wave of violence initiated by criminals operating on Mexican soil.