S. Whitehouse RL
He wrote 2 pages containing every thought that has crossed his little feeble mind since the age of 10. In all of this blather, not once did he mention my issues. I wrote about removing invaders and the elimination of American trucker drivers.

S. Bill Nelson of FL
He addressed the Mexican trucks by blaming NAFTA, nothing he can do, not my fault etc. etc. He was so happy that I contacted him and he will continue to give good service to Florida. RE: removing invaders: He will continue to support comprehensive immigration reform.

S. Martinez: Bragged about voting for more border patrols and then sailed into unreality. He consistently represents invaders and has refused to answer my question as to his fraudulent behavior in accepting taxpayers money for representation and refusing to represent Citizens.

These are three examples. I have received messages from many Senators. Not one has directly dealt with my demands. Words, lots of meaningless words for a big investment of time.

Five years for three concentrated hours each day, I have done every thing I think can help. Often, I have planted seeds in remote possibilities. Today, I question if any progress has been made. The invaders keep coming, the Government is unresponsive or corrupt and the truck drivers will be eliminated from their jobs.