Absoluty must see video...

Michelle Bachman on Pelosi Health Care Bill: "This Is the Crown jewel of Socialism"


For those that feel a stack of unread none debated paper should be passed.

I can't help myself. Just like I hate to see a soaking wet lost puppy...that is how I feel about you. Your naivety simply hurts my sole...if not for you being so dangerous. Dangerous because their are millions of sheeple that may hear your words and believe you. Just as they believe and blindly follow BO and his socialist regime. Just like others in history fell to lies.

Your words are nothing but words born of ego and arrogance. You are the perfect example of much of America today. Ignorant and boastful. Blind to your folly. Pushy and demanding that others fall in place behind you without any agenda whatsoever except a call of “change…this way…â€