Why not ? Two can play this game. Tell them if they accomplish learning fluent English, and they start recognizing ALL U.S. holidays, and they fly the American flag at all government offices, and they give every legal American citizen free health care when they are visiting, and free driver's licenses with free car insurance, Americans will start vacationing there again, and we'll give them some aid. We will only give a small amount at first, as this will be a test. They must also start celebrating Thanksgiving over there and can only cook turkeys. (No enchaladas or tacos)

Then after they accomplish the first task they will move on to the second task. Get all illegal aliens back to their home country. At that point, they will have "permission" to lower OUR flag, and we will send more aid. Also they can stop celebrating Thanksgiving.

Until then, no aid from America. I've had it.

P.S. Obviously this is not serious!! But I just can't believe what we put up with. Once again it's the old, double standard set for America. President Bush's view is like Americans should take it, but must never dish it out. Like, Illegals can enter illegally, and he'll never call them anything more than an "Undocumented Worker", but when American's decide to watch out for our borders, he doesn't call them, "good, cautious, helpful Americans", he makes a clearly derogatory statement. "We can't have vigilantes" , or whatever the exact words were. Hmmm. Now you see why I reverted to sarcasm today. I want to dish it out, for a change.