While I cant speak for everyone, although I feel that they too are against illegal immigration, I most certainly am against it. I believe that this great country has room for all, as long as they follow its laws, and that includes those coming from other less fortunate countries through legal means.

What annoys me the most is how our politicians are willing to call people who have broken the law by sneaking across the borders patriotic, while labeling those of us who are here legally, be they natives or people who have gone through the process of legally immigrating to the United States "possible domestic terrorists" or worse. I want to run up to people like Pilosi, shake her and ask her "What part of ILLEGAL do you NOT understand?"

Hundreds of thousands, possibly millions have patiently waited to be allowed into our nation legally. They have taken the classes, filled out the forms, gone through the security checks, sworn their allegiance, and have become an intrical part of this this Nation through hard work and sacrifice. To allow for those who have done no more then pack a suitcase, and make it past border patrol, possibly had a child to anchor them here, and ingrained themselves in an underground society of fellow lawbreakers to be offered the amnesty from their crime and become American citizens through no effort of their own, cheapens the self sacrifice of those who came here legally.

To give lawbreakers more power and more rights then those who have followed the law is fundamentally wrong. It calls into question the validity of all laws, asking the proverbial question of "if enough break a law, does that mean the law is void?" Do people have the right to pick and choose which laws to enforce, and which to ignore? If we are willing to grant amnesty to those who have come here illegally, then why arent we willing to grant amnesty to drug smugglers, drug dealers and murderers? Which laws are applicable in society, and which are not? Not for a second do I advocate amnesty for drug dealers and murderers, but I also do not advocate amnesty for illegal aliens for the same basic reason.... THEY HAVE BROKEN THE LAW!

To invite people to break the law with impunity is to invite anarchy. In reality, that is what the Petition for the Redress of Grievances is about. It is to call to question the actions of our congress and president which have broken the LAW. When those who have been sworn to protect the law, find it within their desire to break the law, then they need to be called to defend their actions. The purpose for the Redress of Grievances is to force the members of congress and the president to argue the constitutionality of their actions. Actions that are blatantly unconstitutional. For them to argue the validity of their actions, they must argue against the constitution, at which point they are treasonous to the supreme law of the land and the very foundation of our government. Either they continue the path which they have begun and be considered enemies of the United States, or they step back, and realize that they are acting illegally, and make changes in their actions to bring themselves within the boundaries of the law itself. There are no half measures, it is either lawful, or lawless, and We the People are the ultimate judges.

I will end this by inviting each of you to go to the Heirs of Liberty Press. You are all passionately against amnesty for illegal aliens. Write an article and submit it to the editors of the press. I am one of the editors and I ask... no beg, for you to make your voices heard.
