I live in Arizona and have a bunch of interesting questions about the Minuteman project and the parties involved. Some regarding stories I've read and others I conjured up thinking about worst case-scenarios for the project.

Although the Project's goal may be to document, and assist the BP, there exists the possibility of an international incident.

Of course, a big incident could be swept under the rug by the Administration

The "Project" themselves appear to be walking a tightrope of public opinion and wisely may measure every word of public statements. So I wont ask them directly.

I'll throw them out here, if anybody wants to comment.

Question #1

Rumor I read: Some or most Minutemen will be limited to only carrying handguns, perhaps concealed.

What I think: Common sense, as I see it, would be to arm as heavily as possible(without being reckless).

Possible encounters include heavily armed coyotes/drug smugglers, and/or full squads of Mexican Army soldiers(official or not).

Better have several concealed shooters protecting your fellow minutemen, in case of danger.

Question #2

Could Minutemen volunteers be charged under the Patriot Act using a "liberal" interpretation of its powers?

I ask this because it would be easier for the government to just arrest all the minuteman participants(and charge them as terrorists), then to actually fix the border.
