
After months of campaigning, one thing is clear: Fred Thompson is a true conservative and an excellent candidate. He enhanced the race with his humor and simple honesty- and he helped keep the issues of illegal immigration, entitlement reform, and national security at the core of the debates.

However, after the first 6 primaries, one more thing is clear: Fred is not going to win the nomination. However, with his experience, popularity, and conservative credentials, Fred still has a lot to offer in this race.

Fortunately, Fred's platform and personality work together perfectly to shore up the Republican establishment on a Romney-Thompson ticket.

Mitt is the only other guy left in the race that embraces economic, social, and national security conservativism. And, with Fred's support in Florida, Mitt could secure the nomination.

Furthermore, their personalities come together nicely. Mitt is a genious and an energetic CEO. He is eloquent and handsome, and known for his ability to lead change in large organizations. He turned around major corporations, saved the 2002 Olympic Games, and helped turn around Massachussetts. He even put together a revolutionary Health Care Plan in Massachussets without raising taxes. He is capable of solving our problems.

Fred has spent years dealing with Foreign Policy and Intelligence issues in the Senate. And, as he says, He is the guy that will sit on the other side of the table and stare our enemies in the eyes. Fred has many qualities and credentials that support Governor Romney's perceived weaknesses.

Mitt analyzes data and gives powerpoint presentations, Fred speaks from the heart. Mitt has been labeled as a flip-flopper, Fred gives the simple Southern Truth. Mitt sprints, Fred walks.
Mitt is a wealthy, pedigreed, highly-educated Mormon. Fred is a homegrown Southern Christian. Mitt has big cities, the West Coast, and national support. Fred has the South.

It all comes together, and so do they. Mitt for President. Fred for VP. Real Republicans in 2008!