I have a heart warming story that may make some of us feel just a little better, if only for a moment!

As I was coming home from the gym this morning, I passed my local Home Depot in which there are usually no less than 20 illegal invaders, loitering about in an effort to illegally solicit work.

Well this morning, as I approached, I immediately recognized not a single invader standing about! This is odd given the fact is was 8AM, prime time for the morning rush of jobs that probably are picked up at that location. I knew immediately that something had to be up.

Then, it suddenly became apparent as to why there were no invaders loitering about. There were two police cars with their lights on, parked adjacent to the sidewalk. Sitting on the ground was one of the illegal invaders who was detained in handcuffs. I do not know what he did, or even if he was taken into custody. But their was no doubt, the rest of the illegal pack probably scattered when they saw the cops coming their way.

Funny...If these invaders believe they are doing nothing wrong by loitering about in front of Home Depot, then why do they flee when the cops roll up! What could they possibly have to fear I wonder?

Anyway, it was sure nice just to drive by that Home Depot and not see 20-30 illegal invaders loitering about! Talk about a relief from the visual blight we are subjected to on a daily basis. I'm sure the invaders will be back as soon as the police leave the scene. But for a brief moment, it was nice to see our community taken back from the invaders.

I wish the police would make a daily sweep of that location. Just pull up and park in the parking lot. That's all they would need to do.