Move the fence wrote on December 15, 2006 12:57 PM:

Move the fence to the southern side of Mexico It seems to be the simplest soultion to a major problem. Think about it,

1) The 900 miles of fence would actually work It's a smaller border easily defended with the personal we already have!

2) Everybody will be under the same UNITED STATES LAW! The equal rights activists will have their way, the Mexicans will be in the U.S. witch is where they seem to want to be, minimum wage and health benifits will be the same for all everywhere,

3) No logistical nightmares or huge costs trying to deport everyone,

4) No corrupt foreign government Americans could travel and work down south in peace,

5) Control of the drug cartel, and I'm suprised Bush hasen't thought of this one,


We'll make it the newest state in the Union and have a contest of K-5th graders to come up with a new name,,,,or we could just call it south L.A.

All in all it will just be cheaper and less messy than any other ideas in the works" ... _14_06.txt