I just received this email from US Border Control, another anti-illegal immigration group that I belong to. It is ALARMING and it should be a real warning to us about the work we have ahead of us:

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I have grave concerns about any positive results coming from the heroic efforts by some immigration groups to pass H.R.4437 (The Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005).

There is an old axiom that, apparently, a lot of people have forgotten. It is never a good idea to improve upon a bill that deserves to be defeated.

After working years to focus national attention on the immigration crisis; and even more years to establish a movement in the Congress capable of tackling our border and immigration problems, I am afraid that, at the last minute, Bush and his friends in the open borders/amnesty coalition have managed to sell many immigration advocates a pig in a poke.

Republican Leaders Plan to Doublecross Immigration Reform Advocates

What could be wrong with a bill that calls itself the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act? A couple of things.First, it is not nearly as comprehensive as the TRUE Enforcement and Border Security Act of 2005 (H.R.4313); and, second, the President and his allies in the Senate are planning to use H.R.4437 as their vehicle of choice to attach the Bush "guest worker"/amnesty plan.
H.R.4437 did not have the support of the Immigration Reform Caucus which, correctly, preferred The TRUE Enforcement and Border Security Act (H.R.4313), a vastly superior piece of legislation that contained real provisions to stop illegal migration, including requirements for worker eligibility; severe penalties for employers who hire illegal aliens; and a border fence, among its features.

Amnesty supporter Jeff Flake (R-AZ) revealed the plan. Flake remarked in the Congressional Quarterly that "there's a school of thought that says we can pass any flawed vehicle or another, and then the Senate can do something reasonable."

What did Rep. Flake mean? Quite simply, he meant that the Senate is going to take this "flawed" immigration bill; strip it of anything real immigration reforms; and use it as their "legislative vehicle" for the Bush amnesty/guestworker program.

The President, whose ratings are quite low, is not anxious to see them drop further by pushing his amnesty proposal while every poll in America shows 80-90% of the nation opposes amnesty.

That is why he is counting on the Senate to attach his amnesty plan to the Border Protection Act so that it will magically appear in the final conference version of the bill.

What is the liklihood of this actually happening? I am afraid that the odds favor President Bush's guest worker/amnesty program being attached to the final version of the "Border Protection" bill.
And there will be a lot of Congressmen wringing their hands and suggesting that maybe the guest worker really isn't an amnesty and that we actually got some good amendments passed in the House ... so we ought to vote for it.


We have to make it abundantly clear to them, right now, that we are on to their game and we just aren't buying it.

We have to tell them, in no uncertain terms, that anybody who votes for H.R.4437 is casting a vote against real immigration reform and will be judged accordingly.

I can guarantee that if the Bush amnesty is attached to H.R.4437, anybody who votes for it earn a ZERO in our Annual Congressional Rating which, hopefully, will hep them get defeated next election.

Below is a link to our latest email campaign that warns your Representative and Senators not to vote for any bill that contains anything that evens looks like a guest worker or an amnesty program.

It suggests that they vote it down and get behind a real immigration reform bill, like the TRUE Enforcement and Border Security Act of 2005 (H.R.4313).

Please send your email to your Representative and Senators as soon as possible, right now, if you can.

Time is of the essence.

They are pulling this on us at the last minute, on purpose. They know the Congress wants to recess and go home.

They need to know that if they vote the wrong way, they won't be welcome back home.

Thank you for your help on this urgent matter.

Best Regards,

Edward I Nelson, Chairman

U.S. Border Control
8180 Greensboro Drive #1070
McLean, VA 22102
