Mr. President and Members of Congress:

The American public is FED UP with the invasion of our sovereign nation by third-world outlaws from Mexico. Even Democrat politicians are finally getting the message: ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION MUST BE STOPPED NOW!

Aspiring politicans who seize this issue will win in 2006 and 2008. Successful candidates must understand that:

We are FED UP with the refusal of the federal government to secure our borders, opting instead to provide big business with slave labor in the form of illegals from Mexico. This irresponsible policy leaves our nation vulnerable to terrorism, and we are FED UP with this endangerment of American lives for cheap fruit.

We are FED UP with people who are here illegally and who can not and/or will not speak English.

We are FED UP with illegals from Mexico who cost American taxpayers scores of billions of dollars every year in health care, education, incarceration, and welfare.

We are FED UP with taxpayer dollars being wasted to print documents in a foreign language (Spanish).

We are FED UP with illegals who dump their medical bills on the backs of US taxpayers and who still send $30-40 billion a year back to Mexico each year.

We are FED UP with our schools being invaded by non-English speaking children from Mexico who impede the learning process of students who genuinely belong here.

We are FED UP with the fact that federal, state and local penal systems are overrun by illegals from Mexico, again costing US taxpayers billions each year.

We are FED UP with the fact that the majority of crimes being investigated in Los Angeles have been committed by illegals from Mexico.

We are FED UP with elected officials who refuse to enforce our borders and immigration laws. First and foremost, that includes George W Bush!

We are FED UP with federal, state and local agencies who refuse to round up and deport millions of illegals who are destroying American culture and language.

We are FED UP with politicians, both Hispanic and non-Hispanic, who coddle illegals with drivers licenses, lower college tuitons and similar benefits which only encourage more people to invade the US from Mexico.

We are FED UP with politicians---again, including first and foremost, GW Bush---who pander to thieves like Vicente Fox who seek to dump Mexico's poor and illiterate on the backs of US taxpayers.

We are FED UP with the attempted Mexicanization of America. Mexico is a third- world slum and we are FED UP with those who want America to be like Mexico!

Politicians--Democrat and Republican alike---who fail to heed the anger of the people concerning this issue will soon find themselves "former elected" officials.

We will not allow outlaws from Mexico to run or ruin this great nation!

San Jose,CA