My cuz out in California appeared before this group of lame .... yesterday morning. If you will go to the link and help him out. TKS Mad.
His email to me:
" made an appearance before the LA City Council this morning during which I made a statement concerning AZ SB1070. The following is the text of the message follows and the link to the youtube video, quality is not too good, is:
As a European-American, I am appalled at the acts and actions this council took last week in regards to AZ SB1070. The actions of the council and the vote that this council cast can only be defended and justified through racism and bigotry. Your vote clearly shows that you harbor the prejudiced view that European-Americans are some sub-species of human that is completely incapable of complying with and enforcing decades old Federal law without manifesting extreme racism and bigotry. The Supreme Court ruled in 1975, 35 years ago, that the law in question was not race based, nor unconstitutional, nor racial profiling when enforced exactly as stated in SB1070. The court clarified instead that the law was simply a law instituted for the security, safety, and welfare of American citizens. Your vote has sent an undeniable message to the entire world that Los Angeles is governed by a city council and mayor that shares the same type of blind racism and bigotry that was prevalent in the South in the 1950’s and 1960’s which gave rise to the civil rights movement. It is my fervent hope that Europeans, European-Americans, and companies all around this great planet think long and hard before they do business with, come here, or show support in any way for this city. I will leave each of you with a single thought, how are you going to explain to your constituents that it’s okay for you to be such racist but not them?

You can help out by rating and commenting on the video on youtube."