Got your attention?

This is what I think.

Oh, I have been reading and hearing on the news about the "crackdown" and how the "new enforcement" is working, and just really seeing it ALL OVER.

So, then I start to think... hmmm, here all the politicians not a month ago was saying "we can't enforce the law, its broken".. even Chertoff making excuses left and right....

Then what happens.. a few days AFTER the "NEW" enforecement, there is a WAVE OF MEDIA supporting it. Even the Los Angeles Times, oh my!

Something is up people.

If this was soooo easy to implement and see results - then why these past 8 years it was impossible. And why is it possible now with even LESS border patrol agents and National Guard?

Think on it.....

CFR --- who is part of it? Most of the heads of the top news agencies.

We are told and given what we are to believe.

Trust me, its not working. It is just a smokescreen to make all of us feel like the government is finally doing its job..... you know why? Because we were all shouting, enforce the current laws..... so, nods are given and the media reports BIG SUCCESSES... to placate the masses....


You heard it here first.