As a citizen of California I'm terrified this guy could become the the next Calif. governor....Walter Moore who wants to run against Villaraigosa for the Mayor of Los Angeles in 2009, was a guest on the Al Rantel show KABC Los Angeles last night...Moore says Villaraigosa has a very good chance of being elected governor in 2010...We need to make sure Villaraigosa doesn't win the next election for Mayor, or else if he wins the election for Mayor the chance he will run for governor and win is very high...Villaraigosa only represents illegal aliens and was a gang member in his youth. He still caters to the gangs and was a member of La Raza, Mecha and he also was president of the ACLU... A year ago he was out supporting illegals during their protests-marches ...This guy has already done major damage to California. If this guy wins governor,probably most Americans citizens will be forced to leave the state of California. Or they will be taxed out of their homes to pay for all the illegal alien social programs. I just hope Americans wake up so that this possible nightmare never happens.