There is a new Librarian at my kids school. This week BOTH my 1st and 2nd grade kids came home with thier "Obama projects". On Wednesday my 2nd grade son came home with his "Obama word search" and informed me that they were read a book about Obama's life story. He told me there is also other books and pictures around the library of him. The owrd search had words like "black", "white", "hope", "courage", "love"....

The next day my 1st grade daughter came home with a piece of paper that she was made to write "Yes We Can" on it. She also had to endure the life story book.

I was really taken aback at how furious this made me. My first thought was "they are trying to indoctrinate my kids!"

I don't ever remember being made to recite presidential slogans when I was in school! I understand President's day is coming up, but I thought it was to celebrate the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln.

I'm not sure if I should talk to the kid's teachers first or the principal or all of them. I wondered how many other parents are bothered by this, if any. Am I overreacting to this? Is my anger out of line? I am torn between really hammering them for this or just waiting for the honeymoon phase to die down. This is an otherwise excellent public elementary school and I have had no issues until now.

Not all of us here in CA are liberal democrats and I am really offended that this Obot in the library cant' seem to curb her enthusiasm for a man that has done nothing great except move into the White House. This whole hero worship just gets more nauseating by the day and I'm tired of it already....