I suppose this could go on for hours, I will try to cover everything in short order...
1.I wish that Americans would REMEMBER the Constitution of The United States of America, and ALL the Brave Men and Women who Died to Protect it.
2.I wish Americans would REALIZE what a bunch of Attorneys can do to THEIR freedoms when Elected to Public Office over 200 Lawyers Representing WHOM in Washington DC?)
3.I wish Americans would DEMAND that the Will of the Many, ALWAYS trumps the Will of the Few.(i.e. Gay Marriage)
4.I wish Americans would STAND STRONG and remind thier elected officials THEY WORK for THE PEOPLE (not the other way around)
5.I wish Americans would REMEMBER our Sovereignty, and this Nations past accomplishments.
6.I wish Americans would DEMAND our Goverment follow The Constitution as did the Original 13 Colonies (any elected Rep. MUST have Faith in God)
7. I wish Americans would STOP... Just for awhile and Worry about AMERICA for once. Get OUR HOUSE in order before We take care of the World. I learned along time ago if your NO GOOD to yourself... You'll be NO GOOD to anyone else.
These are a few of my wishes for Americans... I hope you all can add to the "Wish List"... God Bless Everyone