This is my email to the idiots in Illinos that repimanded that student for NOT standing for the mexican national anthem!

How DARE you reprimand an American citizen for not wanting to stand and honor the anthem of another country! He had every right not to do so!

This is America and if my children's school reprimanded them for not standing to observe and HONOR another COUNTRY'S anthem, I would have that school in court for violation of my child's first amendment rights!

You sir, as well as the President of the school board, Ken Kaczynski have no backbone! When you make the statement that "If we were teaching one culture's history over another, then we have an issue." "But I don't think that's the case." you are way off base!

First of all, the black citizens that are observing black history month are AMERICANS and therefore when they say the pledge, it is to the United States of America, NOT MEXICO! Black Americans speak ENGLISH! They are American citizens! You cannot even begin to compare the two. If you want to have hispanic history month, fine. HOWEVER, this is AMERICA and we do not pledge loyalty to ANY country but AMERICA!

In my view, all you are doing is pandering to the (illegal's) that you know full well are over running the country, but you don't have the guts to say it!

So help me, if this student, that had every right NOT to observe and pledge alligence to another country is harassed or threatened by the school board in any way, you will have more American citizens coming to his defense than you could possibly imagine! I will personally contribute to his defense fund if it comes to that and there are a lot of American citizens that will do the same! I will be forwarding this email to every pro AMERICAN group that I can find. I certainly hope you and the board have a GOOD explanation for your actions!

B. Dowdy
Birmingham, AL
B. Dowdy