ALIPAC Activists.

This was just sent to me.

Let's hope and pray that Frank is OK and that someone has the needed video to get him out of the clutches of these consistant liars.

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Yes, I know this post should probably be entered in the California area of the forum, however this is the most visited area and I want to bring attention to this situation which affects our movement all across this nation!!
Today I attended a rally that Frank organized. We had only been rallying for about 30 minutes when this crazy Mexican-American older lady (55ish) started harassing us! She drove by the first time I started yelling that we were racists and saying some garbage about the flag, her country, etc.. (The usual goon rants.) But she didn't stop there! She did a u-turn and came back again. Only this time she stopped traffic near this busy intersection. In fact she parked her car diagonal in both lanes which stopped traffic. She started getting out of her car, but as people were honking, she drove off. Then she pulled over, but then took off and did another u-turn, this time she came back and turned in front of traffic and started driving straight toward me and the rest of the ralliers. The other ralliers (all newbies) dispersed, but I stood my ground. I decided that if she was going to strike I would take this for my family, friends, and this country. Apparently some actual sense came into her head and she instead swerved and pulled over.
She then gets out of her vehicle and comes over and thinks she can actually challenge this crowd of about 20 or so. (By the way, our crowd included a couple bikers, young Mexican-American guys with lots of tats, Men even considerably taller than me, not to mention some really feisty women who would not take anything from anyone!!) This crazy lady starts calling us KKK, spits on me, spits on Frank, pushed me, hit another woman, hit Frank in the head, threw her orange juice on us, tried to take my flag out of my hand unsuccessfully, so grabbed someone else's and then used it like a sword on us. She was insane!!! She mentioned something about skin color and I put my arm next to hers and showed her that I was actually darker than her and that she was whiter than me! This shut her pie-hole up for a second! But then she realizes Frank is Hispanic and she went nuts!! Literally nuts!! (They may not like white Americans, but they HATE any American of Hispanic heritage that is American first!!)
Some of the other ralliers blocked her from getting back into her car as the sherriff dept. was called after she assualted us!! But then she really angered Frank!! And some of the other ralliers who were blocking crazy lady's car left and now I was left blocking her car, she then came over and pulled my arm and pushed me out of the way, as she got into her vehicle, she then took her hot coffee and threw it onto Frank. Crazy lady is LUCKY Frank did not kick the #$%@ out of her. Frank accidentally mad a slight dent in her car.
About 6 or 7 Sherriff cars arrived. Crazy lady lied and said we pulled her out of her car and then surrounded her and assaulted her!! Some young Mexican-American guy who didn't even witness the whole event said all he saw was Frank pushing this "old lady". He said it was like pushing his grandmother! PLEASE!!!! (By the way, I think this kid was lying too. I did not see Frank do this nor did any of the other ralliers. Franks also doesn't recall doing this. It did get pretty crazy, but I NEVER saw Frank lay a hand on her!) The sherriffs arrested Frank for vandalism of property. Crazy lady complained about being hurt and she was taken away in an ambulance!! The Fire Department even appeared!!! Along with a couple more law enforcement vehicles! It was insanity!!!
Also some punk gangbanger drove by and threatened to come back with guns to shoot us. He made on his promise and parked across the street at the Mobile Gas Station (the day laborers stand on the side of this station). However with law enforcement there all he could do was yell "I told you I would be back!" The sherriffs took down his vehicle information!!
The good news - the law enforcement officers encouraged Americans to quit complaining!! And to get out and DO something!!! I told them we would be back! They said bring more Americans!!
Want to thank SZinWestLA!!!! SZ has become our "official" attorney!!! New practice SZ? We all can not THANK YOU enough for being such a friend and patriot!!!!!!
Frank will be out on bail today. The crazy lady is in more serious trouble!!!! YES!! (We do have some video, but one of the ralliers with the best video left for some reason. No one knew him either - he seemed a bit afraid once the sherriffs started arriving. I could be wrong, but this was my sense. Remember these people are brand new in our fight.)