I am not drunk !!!!! Moments ago, I saw Rove interviewed. Rove says we have to provide some path for citizenship as our enforcement is not working. We deport, they come back. We deport, they come back.

Doesn't this make you feel just peachy about our national security. We bug people's phone lines in hopes of catching one terrorist, while 11 to 30 million are sneaking in the back door.

The moral of this story to me is... if you're going to rob a bank; don't stop at one. You have a much better chance of forgiveness if you rob multiple banks.

My letter to Frist:

I was watching CNN just moments ago when I heard Rove confess to America that our government cannot protect its' people. Rove admitted that illegals cross our borders; we take them back, and they cross again... For this reason he states we must reward those law breakers with a path to citizenship... I guess if you can't lick them, join them mentality.

It is time for us to replace our Senate and Congress. If you can't protect legal America from an invasion of 11 to 30 million aliens; how do you propose to protect us from one terrorist? Our leadership has failed us and we must insist on a change. For the best interest of America and those of us (your base) who entrusted you to hold your current high office; please step down and allow us to find a replacement that will represent the interest of his or her constituents. George Bush, you, Ted Kennedy and John McCain, among others have failed this once great nation.

Iraq's border's are secure, so why aren't ours'?

Any candidate who supports amnesty will be dealt with harshley at the next election..... including you, Mr. Frist.