Thought I would start a new thread on this.

Over at SOS, we are amazed at how arrogant the Republicans are. Karl Rove feels we have to vote Republican because we have "no where else to go". Ken Mehlman is sucking up to LaRaza. Our response? Return contol of the Senate to Democrats! They are no worse than Republican Senators on immigration. Keep the House in Republican control to block any amnesty. Maybe this way the Republican Party will finally get the message and run more pro-border Senate (and Presidential) candidates in 2008.

Thus under this plan, we should target the following Senators for defeat, especially if they vote for any type of amnesty. When I say we, I mean not only ALIPAC, but everyone in the pro-borders movement.

Senator ABI rank

Allen (R-VA) .6
Burns (R-MT) .47
Chafee (R-RI) .23
DeWine (R-OH) .35
Ensign (R-NV) .47
Hatch (R-UT) .45
Hutchison (R-TX) .48
Lott (R-MS) .38
Lugar (R-IN) .25
Santorum (R-PA) .45
Snowe (R-ME) .34

I think most of them could be defeated. Probably not Burns and maybe not Hutchison, but the others are in blue states or states where American workers are hurting. I noticed already a pro-borders Democrat is vying for DeWine's seat. Only half of them would have to be defeated to return control of the Senate to Democrats. We should tell all the above Senators right now if they vote for any type of amnesty, they may well lose their job.

The following Senators I think would probably vote against amnesty, so we might not do anything or possibly support for re-election. For sure we need to support Robert Byrd for re-election!

Kyl (R-AZ) .82
Talent (R-MO) .85
Thomas (R-WY) .82
Byrd (D-WV) .95

Any comments on this?