Dear Sen. Cornyn,

I am SHOCKED and dismayed at your proposal to have the already overburdened American taxpayer now shoulder the burden for Mexican infrastructure. Mr. Cornyn, I voted for you in hopes that you would support spending cuts that include reducing federal dabbling in OUR OWN states of our own country. Not only has the debt nearly doubled on your watch, and not only have you utterly failed to deliver on the Conservative ideals of greater fiscal restraint and better control of our borders, but now you are seeking to try to use the failure of you and your colleagues to accomplish the relatively simple task of securing the borders and dealing with the illegal immigrants who invade our sovereign nation daily as an excuse for vast new entitlements for Mexicans IN MEXICO. Quite frankly, I cannot fathom the logic, though I can characterize your proposal as a monstrous sell-out of your constituents.

Mr. Cornyn, it is my opinion that men and women who seek leadership positions at the highest level should see to it that they have the basic intelligence to comprehend the issues at hand and craft reasonable policy for dealing with those issues. Common citizens such as myself should not be required to explain fairly basic premises to you, and yet apparently that is what is required in this case. I am going to explain a few basic facts to you and then I am going to give you a few reasonable suggestions as to how to get back on track and SERVE YOUR CONSTITUENTS rather than serving, as you appear to be doing at this juncture, powerful interests that seem intent on destroying this nation.

First the FACTS:

1. We are in the midst of a full-scale invasion by a foreign nation whose invading forces maintain allegiance to that foreign nation and have a well-developed set of ideologies that include the notion that many of our sovereign lands are somehow rightfully the property of Mexico. There are powerful organizations in this country, including La Raza and MEChA, whose stated goals include the accomplishment of "reconquista," which is the reclaiming of lands that now constitute several of the largest and most populous states of the United States.

2. Polls demonstrate that the American people want something done about this invasion, with about 80% favoring serious measures to thoroughly secure the borders and to undertake measures that will see the 15-25 million illegal currently in this nation either removed or disenfranchised (by not being able to work or receive benefits that are the rightful property of American citizens) to the point that they go home.

3. Americans are reeling under the economic strain of the invasion. Hospital emergency rooms are choked with illegals to the extent that the communities they are meant to serve scarcely have access to them anymore. Drivers licensing centers are swamped. The roads are congested with illegals who are poorly educated in our driving laws and who are all too often unlicensed and even more often uninsured. Crime rates are soaring. Reserves for services and entitlements are evaporating at alarming rates.

4. Along with the illegals are not only homicidal gangs from the countries that are producing the bulk of these interlopers, but also, according to reports from our own Texas border, potential al Qaeda members and other terrorist factions bent on bringing us another 9/11.

5. Illegals are sending between $40 billion and $60 billion of US currency back home to their native countries by wire transfer ALONE.

Mr. Cornyn, these are problems that will not be addressed by giving the Mexican kleptocracy more of our dollars. Why will that not work? Because what can we give to Mexico that is more valuable to it than tens of billions of dollars it already receives from Mexicans who, because they are living in the US and sucking up OUR social services instead of Mexico's, don't cost the Mexican government a dime? It's like trying to pay Al Capone to stop bringing whiskey across the border. No reasonable amount would exceed the rewards of the illegal activity or the power that comes with it. Remember that the Mexican government tacitly supports the idea of reconquista and that the greater goal is expanding Mexico's borders while diminishing our own. And you want to try to bribe these bastards?

Do you honestly believe that the Mexican government cares one whit about its own peasants? Do you believe that providing them billions of American taxpayer dollars will result in anything more than a token effort at keeping a few of their citizens on their side of the border?

The nonsense that you folks in the Senate are engaging in is MADNESS. You ignore monumental problems that are driving the American family into poverty and stealing our inheritance and then the solutions that you come up with invlove paying off the very villains who are despoiling us. I say, sir, that you are a coward as are all those who share your lofty chambers and can come up with nothing better than to pay tribute to the Huns at the gate. You are a disgrace to the Senate and a traitor to your nation. If you had the gumption that the true Americans who founded this nation possessed in their pinkie fingers, you would demand that their President do his duty and defend these borders by DEMANDING that the Mexican government either stanch the flow of illegals and begin repatriating the millions of illegals who are here or else it would face SERIOUS repercussions, including trade sanctions, forced reparations for the American tax dollars stolen by its citizens, a cutoff of all aid, the building of a wall that makes China's look like a picket fence, and whatever else is necessary to get the Mexicans back on their side of the border and out of our pockets.

The real Americans would have declared war on Mexico by now over its promotion of the idea of reconquista.

Mr. Cornyn, Americans are not going to sit idly by while you and your fellow thieves in Washington give our nation away. We will not submit to ever-increasing taxes meant to mollify those foreign despots who should instead be sternly rebuffed for their despotism against their own people and their thievery against ours. Neither are we going to continually submit to the hidden taxation of inflation which robs the value of the dollars in our pockets because you and your fellow rogue leaders in Congress cannot find any wild extravagance you do not believe you need to throw billions of dollars of our children's money at.

Do you not realize that the days of high-minded socialist kleptocrats posing as honest Americans seeking to serve their fellow Americans is almost to an end? You people don't know when to stop, so you are very near to being stopped. Do you want anarchy, because that is what you will get when the laws you try to impose upon us cease to serve us, your constituents, as they have for some years now. Where do you think respect for the law will be when there is no respect for the men who write the laws? We are already suffering at the hands of the lawless illegals who you could not more courteously usher into this nation if you provided them with champagne and caviar as they cross the border. Because these villains have no respect for their own criminal leadership and its laws, they bring their disrespect for the law with them. When you and other lawmakers cast your lot with these lawless thieving interlopers, why on God's green Earth would the American people hold any regard for you or your laws? You have become King George. You do not represent us and you cannot have any more of our money. I suggest that you save everyone the time and trouble and consign this bill of yours to the trash heap of history where it belongs before it is you, Mr. Cornyn, who is ushered from his seat and consigned history's trash heap as just another treacherous power-hungry Judas selling his own out for his bag of silver.