Opinions are those of the author

Nine (Or More) Treasonous Senators To Be Gone By November?

Just before Congress left on its Spring recess, I visited Capitol Hill.

The D.C. buzz is not about health care (done), comprehensive immigration reform (only Sen. Chuck Schumer and U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez have the courage to say the words out loud and in public). Instead, it’s about a far more elevated question: can the Democrats wiggle off the hook between now and the November elections?

Optimists, all Democrats, point to seven months as a political eternity. The boldest of them predict that by November all the wounds caused by the year-long wrangling will be forgiven and forgotten.

GOP insiders call their foes delusional.

Examined closely, the discontent with the Beltway isn’t limited to party affiliation as much as it is to incumbency.

The good news for patriotic immigration reformers is that the mood toward incumbents is so sour that as many as five among the worst pro-amnesty Senate bunch may not even survive primary challenges against them.

They are Robert Bennett (R-Utah), Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) John McCain (R-AZ) and Arlen Specter (D-turned R-turned D-Pa.)

Their respective immigration grades are: C-, F-, D-, D and D.

While it is not unprecedented for an incumbent senator to be ousted in a primary, it’s rare. And should five get the boot, it would be extraordinary.

Three pro-amnesty senators have already opted to retire instead of suffer certain November defeats. They are Florida’s Mel Martinez (Rep.), Indiana’s Evan Bayh (Dem.) and Connecticut’s Christopher Dodd (Dem). Their grades: Bayh, a deceptive C and Dodd, F- (Marinez left the Senate and was replaced by George Le Mieux, F-)

And there’s an outside chance that a Tea Party-inspired effort against New Jersey’s Robert Menendez (F-) might succeed in ousting him. [NJ Supremes accelerate briefing sked on Menendez recall, by Terry Hurlbut, Philadelphia Examiner, April 8, 2010]

So as many as nine sitting senators, all likely “yeaâ€