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  1. #1
    Armybrat's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    My union calling me a racist?

    Hello all,
    I have been viewing this site for quite a while but haven't participated in text
    until now.
    My union which is a major part of the D.C., Md, and Va transit area just sent out their newsletter showing their support for amnesty. All people interviewed and published for this particular newsletter where from the side that called any movement against amnesty racial. I don't consider myself a racist since I am against the amnesty for reasons that are effecting the U.S.A. as a whole. I would have appreciated the common respect of having someone from the opposing side (my side) published to clear the fog which they are seeing it through, but that wasn't the case, nor was it considered. I don't know what to do/I can do, and I don't really know what I'm asking for, maybe I'm just venting, but I feel as if I've been taken advantage of in some way and I dispise my union.
    Thank you for listening,

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Southern Mexifornia
    Welcome to the forums Armybrat. I have no words of wisdom as it's very late and my eyes are closing. But, if it helps, you have my sympathy. Some fine folk here will soon post some ideas for you. In the meantime keep reading, you will see you are not alone in your anger. Not the only one wounded.
    We are all victims here, in the sense that the world has turned upside down. Whom can we trust? Is black white? Is up down?
    Hang in there.
    “Homeland Security? What Homeland Security ?”

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    West Palm Beach, Florida
    Seems that all you need to do to be labeled a racist, is be an American opposed to illegal immigration.
    <div align="center">"IF it absolutely, positively has to be destroyed overnight-Dial 1-800-USMC"</div>

  4. #4
    Senior Member steelerbabe's Avatar
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    Do you work for Metro? I lived in Norhern Va. for 44 years until I moved last summer to Western Pa. to escape the illegals in my neighborhood. I attended every homeowners meeting to voice my concern with over crowding, livestock in the back yard, human feces in the common area, urine on people's tires, broken Cornoa bottles and I too was called a racist and was also told it's just their culture

  5. #5
    Senior Member curiouspat's Avatar
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    Seattle, WA. area!


    Welcome, Armybrat,

    You're not a racist for wanting our country's soverignty to remain. I agree with JustSayNo.

    I know how you feel (as do we all, or we wouldn't be here). I am ashamed because I was unaware of what's been going on. You see, I listened to the mainstream media (MSM) and because I am a news junkie, thought I was uptodate. Yeah right.

    I now email/fax/call via various media to the President, Congress and the News Media. Don't know if anything is getting through, although the President did use the word 'criminal' last night. (He's still not listening!) Anyway, at least I feel like I'm doing something now.

    I use, and www.NumbersUSA .

    Again, welcome! Keep in touch. A lot of folk will help you, here. Lot's of ideas!
    TIME'S UP!
    Why should <u>only</u> AMERICAN CITIZENS and LEGAL immigrants, have to obey the law?!

  6. #6
    Senior Member bearpaw's Avatar
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    San Diego, CA
    Welcome Armybrat,

    The next time someone calls you a racist. Ask them when did being patriotic become racist? I too have stopped watching MSM for the very reasons CuriousPat pointed out. Once I started coming here and reseaching for information on the internet. A light bulb went off and I finally got what MSM has kept silent over the years and doesn't want us to know. Knowledge is power :P
    Work together for the benefit of all mankind

  7. #7
    Greyerhat's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    Responding to Labeling

    I would have appreciated the common respect of having someone from the opposing side (my side) published to clear the fog which they are seeing it through, but that wasn't the case, nor was it considered.
    Just remember the purpose of the union. The purpose of the union is to maximize mass conformity in order to ensure that the top leaders are able to have maximum leverage at the bargaining table.

    If the union is good, its purpose will be to help its members. If the union is bad, its purpose will usually to help its management first, and usually at the Expense of its members. Most union are politically to the left, and often contribute to far left causes. (it does not have to be that way, but that is often the way it is).

    The left - most of the time - does not tolerate either dissent or questions or questioning very well. The reason is that they do not have many answers, and asking questions has a way of forcing them to disclose that they do Not have the answers they pretend to.

    But one person can have a powerful effect in a union. One person can often procedurally control a meeting, or bring a motion to a floor vote.

    it is important to be prepared (mentally and emotionally) to be castigated, to be Badly thought of.

    That is just part of the battle. Its their way of testing the waters and seeing who will stand up to them.

    The point of implying that you are racist is to demonstrate intentional and wilful disrespect.

    The point of their calling someone racist is to try to capture the "moral high ground" for their own agenda.

    The way to take this back is to start to ask them to define almost every word that they use, and to ask some very hard questions.

    Once they know that people are willing to take them on, they often back off.

    Its important to understand that calling someone racist is a tactic of intimidation, and the solution is for each of us to make up our minds - ahead of time - Not to be intimidated.

    These topics are controversial...and many people want to throw out both easy answers and slogans. So we should be prepared and expect to be insulted and labelled... What the other side expects is success

    in their attempts 1) to silence us and 2) to stop the debate and the conversation.

    Therefore any continuation of the conversation, continuing to speak, continuing to ask questions out loud, continuing to demonstrate to others that those guys do NOT have the answers, each of those steps is a Victory.

    We just have to know this in our minds & hearts.

    No one is going to give us permission to debate

    No one is going to give us permission to question

    No one is going to want to give us the ability to respond to their arguments, especially when they know they would look bad or weak, if they give others this opportunity.

    So its important Not to expect "permission" in those kinds of settings and situations.

    It important to ask them to define their terms. THe moment they see this, just having others notice this will change the context of the debate. ...and even more so...for those who simply CALMLY continue to question them.

    such as:

    - "I'm sorry, just to be clear, can you tell me what YOUR DEFINITION of a Racist is" ?

    - And where do you get that definition from ?

    - Is that anywhere in print, or that I can reference or study ?

    - Is that a definition that applies to EVERYBODY..., and to all races ?

    - Do you believe that Anyone of ANY Race can be a Racist ?

    - or is that a term that is only applied to white people ?

    - ANd why would someone...lets say...brown...NEVER be considered a Racist ?

    - Do you think that your use of the term "Racist" an example of Racism or Reverse Discrimination ?

    - and what Facts can you demonstrate for us here...that would prove this ?

    - Is is really Honest, fully Honest to label someone who disagrees with Position XYZ as Racist...or is that just a Tactic ?

    - Is the term "Racist" something that only comes up when the issue of government benefits (such as an Amnesty Bill) is in question, or are there other uses for that term ?

    - How would YOU feel, if someone called you racist ?

    - Do you think that the use of the term "Racist" is something which is bringing Division into the workplace ?

    You may win some conversations and lose others. Ideally, the point is Not to approach a conversation as a win lose, but EVEN IF you do not have that approach, usually the other side will.

    It seems that many conversations ...on the left...are with each other rather than with the other side...most of what they have is a world of shallow slogans.

    The Right often teaches in depth reasoning, but the left often is more practiced at tactics. Moving beyond the tactics into definitions is where they often become lost and confused.

    Often, the result may be that you will be labelled and insulted. When you are - it may not always feel this way, but its a victory.

    What being insulted that they have run out of arguments.

    And if that moment... you say to them:

    - "Are you insulting me because you have run out of arguments ?"


    "should I take your insults as a sign that you don't have an intellectual response ?", then they will be more angry.

    BUT - when they calm down - your point about their running out of things to say...will stick...and some of the time, they eventually come around.

    Having said those things, they do Apply to situations with Audiences. But it may be good to know ahead of time, that Union Leadership may try to kick you out. So if you try these approaches, its good if you can have several others ALSO say the same thing, or take up the questions...when they try to silence you.
    Let's be brutally honest: THe Only thing that matters is when you force Politicians to STOP and PAY Attention to You. Its time to think about ways to do that.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    It's not racist to want to stop an invasion of your country.
    I would feel the same way if it was 12 million Canadiens coming over and behaving like the Mexicans.
    A person calling you a racist is using that term because it shuts off the debate. We've been conditioned to react negatively to this term and they are using it to shut us up and make us defensive. Ignore them and make your points. They don't have a rational arguement and therefore use emotion ("It just feels wrong." "I feel....."). People who use emotion to guide them don't think as individuals and are easily led by others.
    You may feel you are swimming against this PC mindthink but there are lots of people who don't believe in it and are starting to rebel against it.
    Gather a few facts and next time they call you you a name, give them some facts and ask them what they think. I guarentee that they won't be able to address them and will respond with an emotional response. Don't take it personally!! Believe what you think, not what you feel.

  9. #9
    Senior Member curiouspat's Avatar
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    Seattle, WA. area!
    Wonderful idea, Greyerhat,
    It important to ask them to define their terms. THe moment they see this, just having others notice this will change the context of the debate. ...and even more so...for those who simply CALMLY continue to question them.

    such as:

    - "I'm sorry, just to be clear, can you tell me what YOUR DEFINITION of a Racist is" ?

    - And where do you get that definition from ?

    - Is that anywhere in print, or that I can reference or study ?

    - Is that a definition that applies to EVERYBODY..., and to all races ?

    - Do you believe that Anyone of ANY Race can be a Racist ?

    - or is that a term that is only applied to white people ?

    - ANd why would someone...lets say...brown...NEVER be considered a Racist ?

    - Do you think that your use of the term "Racist" an example of Racism or Reverse Discrimination ?

    - and what Facts can you demonstrate for us here...that would prove this ?

    - Is is really Honest, fully Honest to label someone who disagrees with Position XYZ as Racist...or is that just a Tactic ?

    - Is the term "Racist" something that only comes up when the issue of government benefits (such as an Amnesty Bill) is in question, or are there other uses for that term ?

    - How would YOU feel, if someone called you racist ?

    - Do you think that the use of the term "Racist" is something which is bringing Division into the workplace ?

    I'm not used to debating in the political arena. Thanks,
    TIME'S UP!
    Why should <u>only</u> AMERICAN CITIZENS and LEGAL immigrants, have to obey the law?!

  10. #10
    Senior Member sawdust's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Is this just a coincidence? There seems to be a pattern here. Take a look at the bigger picture. Europe has mass immigration, people entering their countries, protesting and demanding rights on their streets.

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