I just heard that when Nacho Ramos, one of our beloved persecuted patriots, is allowed to have his free hour out of solitary, he is NOT allowed to move about FREELY. He is PUT into a 12-foot CAGE OUTDOORS! And while he is in that cage for his free hour, some fellow inmates who are ILLEGALS TAUNT poor Nacho! They cannot get close to the cage, but apparently they can SEE and DERIDE him! PLUS, when Nacho's family visits him, Nacho is escorted in HANDCUFFS by SIX guards to the visting room, which is MONITORED by CAMERAS and GUARDS for the WHOLE visit! And when in solitary, Nacho's food is SLID to him through a SLOT UNDER his cell! MY GOD!!! I thought that Bush's STONEWALLING of Nacho and Jose moved me to tears, but finding out about THIS REALLY makes me WANT to CRY! And, pardon me, I AM!!!