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(Northwest Program) -

Topics for Thu, October 18

Dr. Ali Al-Dabbagh, spokesman for the Iraqi government joins Lars at 11:20pt

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) joins Lars at 2pt re: zero tolerance law

Should state agencies take sides in ballot measures?

Should law makers set new rules for home loans?

U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) joins Lars at 2pt re: zero tolerance law. The Senate last night accepted an amendment offered by U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) designating $10,000,000 of Department of Justice (DOJ) funding toward the expansion of a zero tolerance law enforcement pilot program targeting illegal aliens on the Southern border. The amendment was accepted unanimously to the fiscal year 2008 Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bill.

Sessions' amendment requires that DOJ use $10,000,000 from its working capital fund to expand Operation Streamline, the zero tolerance policy of arresting, prosecuting and expeditiously removing illegal aliens, rather than simply sending them back across the border after they are apprehended. Operation Streamline began in 2005 in the Del Rio, Texas sector of the border and was later instituted in the Yuma, Arizona sector.