This is the email just sent from Nancy Pelosi on the SCHIP defeat:

We need to use their link to send OUR THANKS to those who supported the veto.


Dear Friend,

Today the House voted to override the President's shameful veto of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and fell short by 10 Republican obstructionist votes.

I can ensure you that this fight is not over. The fight is only just beginning.

President Bush and the Rubber Stamp Republicans in Congress will be haunted by vetoing legislation for 10 million children. They will be haunted for as long as they are in office or as long as they continue to resist giving health insurance to millions of America's children.

We will never stop fighting for children's health insurance and for what we as Democrats believe in. Our voices will be heard.

Send a Message to Rubber Stamp Republicans who stood with President Bush and not with America's children

This is an all-too-familiar pattern in Washington these days. Once again, Democrats are offering the American people hope and progress, while a stubborn President and his obstructionist Republican friends in Congress respond with roadblocks.

We fought hard together. More than 50,000 of you signed the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee's (DCCC) petition to ask Republicans join us in our override. And, I can't thank you enough for your continued support.

This is the third time when the only thing blocking meaningful change that Americans overwhelming support was George Bush's veto pen and obstructionist Republicans to back him up. I promise you that the debate and the fight are not over on children health insurance, stem cell research and on the war in Iraq. We will never stop holding this President and his obstructionist Republican friends accountable.

It is never been more clear that to have the kind of meaningful change our country deserves we must have a Democrat in the White House with a strong Democratic Majority in Congress. And, to do that we must stay united, and never stop fighting for what we believe in and making our voices heard.

Thank you for standing with us.


Nancy Pelosi