I know it is a bit off topic but I just wanted to share a little movie review about Narnia The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe which opened today.

I first read the Chronicles of Narnia when I was about 12-13 years old. I rapidly became both a fan of these books and C. S. Lewis's other works.

I've been holding my breath about this movie because who knows what Disney will do.

Without ruining any surprises for you or your families, the movie was absolutely wonderful. It stayed very true to the book although Ive heard there are complaints already about the "religion" in the story.

Those complaints are probably coming from the same peanut gallery that wants "Holiday Trees"

The theater was packed and not only did most of the audience break into applause at the ending but parts of the audience started clapping during certain points within the body of the film.

Just a note to let my friends know that I was very happy to see they have done an excellent job with Narnia / The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe.