A large section of the illegal alien debate has been centered over overcrowded schools, overburdened hospitals, encroaching bi-lingualism, and salary cuts.

One thing I believe needs to be addressed--perhaps more than any of the aforementioned subjects--is National Security. And by National Security, I mean security from terrorist attacks.

Before I continue, I'd like to comment that I've spent over seven years as an intelligence analyst for the military, and know a little something about tracking these kinds of things. Let it also be said I will not be treading into classified subjects. These are my own opinions.

The individuals who entered the US with the intent to fly planes into the world trade center, the pentagon, and (albeit unsuccessfully) the White House arrived in this country not by sneaking across the border, but by acquiring legal student visas. Prior to September 2001, this was done very easily.

Hundreds (if not thousands) of visas are issued every year. These visas are tracked; the people are documented (even if their names are fraudulent). Keeping tabs on a few thousand individuals in the United States is hard enough for a country who has intelligence interests
scattered throughout the world. A few million? Impossible.

The problem? Millions of illegal aliens enter this country without being accounted for; without ever being entered into any kind of tracking system. We saw what happened when a small group of documented individuals came here on false premises--what will happen with a few million we have no record for?

My theory (purley conjecture, mind you) is that we'll start to see small groups of "migrant workers" emerge as terrorist sleeper cells spread throughout the United States. Day workers by day, but perhaps bio-chemical terrorists leaders by night.

Imagine, if you will, one hundred of these people sneaking into the Unites States through Mexico. Each person is carrying a small vial of smallpox or other highly-communicable disease (avian flu, perhaps?). They travel to at least one major city in each US state, and find work at a day-worker center. After laying low for a few days or weeks, they release the toxin at a prescribed time. This release can be accomplished several ways, such as via handshake or by contamination of farm/livestock water supplies (which migrant workers have ready access to). With outbreaks occurring throughout the Unites States virtually simultaneously, it will be impossible to locate the source of the biological onslaught (since the nature of this attack is not single-source, this makes it all the more impossible). In the case of smallpox, chaos would ensue. Here's a biggie--what if these individuals acquired a hemorrhagic virus such as ebola? With no cure, we might see a death rate in the US comparable to the outbreak of the plauge centuries ago in Europe--probably worse.

Let the pro-illegal alien, anti-wall, open-border groups protest all they want. When an epidemic hits the US and people start to die in droves, maybe they'll think twice.