The link below is for stalled 2005 legislation in NC House of Rep. If I
read correctly, it requires verification for state & local gov employees in
NC. The bill's sponser claims it is a pilot program which the
repubs will expand to all areas of the state. The repubs claim
the dems are holding it & other bills up in commitee, but to be fair
my dem rep said he voted for H1942 in 2005 & will again if it
comes up for vote in 2006. So one more true dem for labor
in this country.

For NC residents, I encourage you to contact your reps & senators.
I am a bit upset the bill only protects gov workers, but if that is the political
price to secure some action against making NC an illegal magnet,
then so be it.

If you have experience from another state, I'd like to hear it. ... llID=H1942