The ONLY ones "Fanning the fire of hate" are the illegals coming into this country, flaunting their ILLEGAL ALIEN STATUS in the faces of ALL law abiding Americans, in a "What you gonna do about it, Gringo," attitude of sedition backed by involuntary tax payer fed organizations such as La Raza!

If you knowingly, willingly AND intentionally step into a lion's den and that lion eventually mauls and eats you, you brought that end result onto yourself by placing yourself in that position.

It's time these whining third world criminals take responsibility for THEIR OWN ACTIONS. What they want to LABEL AS "HATE," is just their "Code Word" verbiage for AMERICANS STANDING UP AGAINST THE INVASION AND OCCUPATION OF THIS COUNTRY BY MEXICO SENDING HORDES OF THEIR CITIZENS INTO THE USA to usurp our laws against illegal immigration and fraud. What these groups are encountering isn't "hate," it's pure, unequivocal DISGUST with them, their country and OUR OWN LEADERS for allowing this atrocity against the American people and this country to happen and to CONTINUE!

[size=150][b]NCLR Launches “We Can Stop the Hateâ€