Israel, a country of about 7 million, is building a 25 foot high concrete wall that will potentially cover 400 miles. The Bush administration and Congress approved loans from the US to help build that wall. Here are some photo's of the wall:

The wall is very controversial but also highly effective in stopping terrorists from entering Israel. Israel now has only isolated instances of suicide bombers etc. compared to nearly weekly suicide bombs and car bombs before the wall was started.

Now consider the US, which has around 38 times the population of Israel. 400 miles of Israel's wall would be roughly equivalent to building a 25 foot high concrete wall of over 12,000 miles - on a population equivalent basis! Now the US border is more remote and much more dangerous so if I reduce that by a factor of 2 it would cover around 6,000 miles.

However neither the Congress nor the President will support building such a wall in the US! Isn't that is blatant hypocrisy!

Why - because business and agricultural interests want a steady supply of new illegals! As Lou Dobbs said tonight "business groups and special interests are stepping up their campaign for a guest worker program, an amnesty program for illegal aliens."

The American public is getting tired of hearing about business groups and special interests getting special deals from Congress! Republicans in the Senate should listen up, or risk losing the House in November.