Recently I keep hearing Democrats saying they are progressive. At first I didn't pay that much attention. I assumed my definition of progressive, which is the same as my dictionary, "One who favors progress and reform" was what they were talking about. Who doesn't support that idea, right?

Well after watching what is going on in our government and watching Glenn Beck I started doing some research on the internet.

What I find is a group of people supporting socialism. I didn't realize there actually was a party, PDA - Progressive Democrats of America. I didn't realize how they had taken over the Democratic Party in California.

They have snuck in the back door, they are not on the list of Qualified Parties in California. They are reaping the benefits of Democrats that are really not aware. Don't get me wrong, we were all aware that there were moderate and liberal democrats, but not this PDA group riding on our coatails.

Like most moderate democrats I have never voted strictly party line. I have felt for years unfamiliar with the democrats and would have switched to being a registered independant, except for the fact I wouldn't be allowed to vote in the primaries. Now I feel completely betrayed and doubt I will ever be able to vote for another democrat. The trust is completely gone.

Now I understand more what has happened to California.