I wasn't sure where to post this so if it's in the wrong category,please move it. It is about a personal issue I am having that has in the last few weeks caused me much grief. I went to a religious forum a few days ago to get some advise to help me through this. Here is my original post on that forum.

"I just found this forum and I am so glad I did. I really need some input on a problem I am having. I have been a member of this church all my life although I have been inactive at times, I have recently started going back again and something is bothering me that is going on in my Church. Not too long after I started back,the church started integrating the Spanish speaking population in with ours. When I go to Sunday school it is very distracting when the interpreters speak in Spanish, to the point I lose focus on the lesson. My question is, Is the church aiding and abetting criminal behavior by doing this? If the Spanish speaking people had come here the legal way, they would know how to speak English because that is required when you become a U.S citizen. Now I am starting to wonder if they are here illegally. The Lord has said we are to obey the laws of the land. I have been bothered by this for weeks now and have not discussed this with anyone for fear I will be considered a racist,which I am not. Any advise on the issue would be very helpful. Thank You in advance"

This is just a few of the responses I received....

"Keep in mind that there are many Hispanics in the US who are legal immigrants and yet aren't US citizens, and many of them don't speak English. "

"Immigrating here legally doesn't make you proficient in English. Some people have a harder time learning languages than others. You're jumping to conclusions based on an erroneous assumption. The Church isn't aiding and abetting by teaching people in their native language."

My DH is a "Resident Alien" of the USA. He's been here since the mid 90's and while he is not a US citizen, he *is* here legally.

Also, I don't believe "must speak english" is a requirement for citizenship, since the US has no official language. (at least not Federally recognized. some states have official languages)

Be at least 18 years old at the time of filing the Application for Naturalization, Form N-400
Have been lawfully admitted to the United States
Have resided as a permanent resident in the United States for at least 5 years or 3 years if you meet all eligibility requirements to file as a spouse of a U.S. citizen
Have demonstrated continuous permanent residence
Have demonstrated physical presence
Have lived for 3 months in the USCIS district or state where the Application for Naturalization, Form N-400 is filed
Demonstrate good moral character
Show an attachment to the U.S. Constitution
Be able to read, write, speak, and understand basic English
Demonstrate a knowledge of U.S. civics (history and government)
Take the oath of allegiance to the United States
"So yes, you do have to known the basics of English to become a US citizen."

Folks, this is where it started to turn ugly.....

"It kinda sounds like you have a bit of a vendetta against the hispanic/latino population that you really need to get over quick."

"I'm a resident alien. Not an American citizen, but a Filipino citizen living in America. I read the original post and even if I have lots to say, I didn't post until now. It took me THAT long to get over the hurtful statements that I read into that first post."

"People dislike things that appear rooted in bigotry or elitism. I don't know whether the OP has racist or elitist tendencies but it's easy to read them into the original post."

"Why not use this as a chance to learn a little Spanish?"

My question is....Was anything in my original racist? If it was I really want someone to tell me. I was just asking questions that I sincerely wanted answers to. There are more postings on that forum about me being a racist even after I posted I have hispanic friends. I made it clear in responding to a few of them that I am against illegal immigration and that's when the stuff really hit the fan. I am even more confused now and am starting to question my fellow members integrity. I feel awful about this and have been crying on and off all day because of it. They not only jumped to false conclusions about my character but,without knowing me called me a racist and a bigot (among other things), Since posting these questions,it has turned into a 6 page free-for-all there. I had some very nice folks give me good advice but overall it was an attack on my character. Please let me know if I did say anything racist because I don't see it and I really would like to know if I am coming off that way,because I would never want to. Thanks so much for your help.