I tried to find an old thread on this issue but didn't, so I started this one.

There are Three kinds of citizenship: A) Natural Born; B) Natural citizen; C) Naturalized Citizen.

Caution: Many people confuse Natural citizen with Natural Born. The two are slightly different. Anchor babies are Natural citizens. Having one parent as a US citizen makes one a Natural citizen.

To be a Natural Born citizen has some HIGH Standards: You have to have TWO US Citizens as Parents and be born ON THE SOIL of America.

Here are three articles to instruct on that:

John Roland "McCain, Obama, Cruz, Not Natural Born citizens"

Examiner, "Cruz not citizen at birth".

Dr. Swier "Cruz is NOT EVEN a US Citizen"

Cruz was born ON Canadian soil, so Canadian law, which disallows dual citizenship, dictates that status of Ted Cruz. Rubio was born on American Soil, making him a Natural Citizen, but not Natural Born for his Parents were still Cuban citizens! Neither one is eligible to be President of the US. And why the Republican Party doesn't put a stop to this--is hypocritical and faulty. Rush Limbaugh also fails here. He talks of the Rule of Law and Original Intent but when it comes to Cruz--Rush throws this all under the bus.

Cruz is NOT even eligible to be a US Senator.

John Roland above makes it clear that John McCain was NOT Natural Born. In an offside note, not even Barry Goldwater who was running for Republican President in the late sixties was a Natural Born citizen! He was born in the Arizona Territory. Not on US Soil!

So this is a big mess! And this shows there is NO Rule of Law in the country. That the Constitution is just dirt and all this talk of Original Intent and being a "conservative" is just all balderdash! Just Idiotic.

We live in Absurdistan run by an Idiocracy!