Roy Beck NumbersUSA <> Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 3:13 PM
From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Thursday 28FEB08 5:30 p.m. EST

Your faxes & phone calls are slowing down the amnesty -- a real chance to REDUCE illegal


There is a little bit of good news today. All of you who have been faxing and phoning all week are really having an impact.

We are getting a lot of feedback that Democratic leaders in the House are getting discouraged by the huge outpouring of public disapproval of news that Speak Pelosi is considering a 5-year amnesty for most illegal aliens, plus huge increases in foreign worker visas.

Also, Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) is standing firm in the face of tremendous pressures from within his Party to make compromises.

We now have 48 House Democrats standing against Pelosi and her open-borders wing of the Democratic Party -- 48 Democrats signed on to Shuler's SAVE Act (H.R. 408 that would have three layers of employment verification that would effectively drive most illegal aliens out of American jobs.

But at the moment of greatest opportunity, it is the REPUBLICAN leaders in the House who are holding things up.

If they would get behind a Discharge Petition (that would force a vote on H.R. 4088 on the House floor), there now appear enough Democrats to get the 218 required signatures. In other words, the minority Party could force a vote.

But the Republican House leaders are dragging their feet out of various petty political considerations and perhaps as a favor to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Already 90 House Republicans have signed H.R. 4088, led by Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-Calif.), the chairman of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus.

Friends, this is not the time to let up. Rep. Shuler believes he has a chance to pass this great enforcement bill to truly reduce the illegal population in our communities.

That is why we have put on your Action Buffet corkboards some special actions, based on your own Member of Congress.

We have one set of actions for those of you with Democratic Representatives.

We have another set of actions for those of you in a state with one of the House Republican leaders.

And another if you have a Republican Representative who has signed the SAVE Act.

And there are other actions to take based on local and state issues, as well as other immigration issues.

Please go to your customized Action Buffet corkboard now and send faxes.

Then, make those phone calls Friday morning.

You are making a difference in a very difficult time on the Hill. The open borders forces thought they saw a big opportunity to spring a disaster on the nation while it was distracted by the Presidential Primaries. You proved them wrong.

Now, let's push the SAVE Act to a vote.

It is enforcement-only. It will immediately open up hundreds of thousands of jobs to American citizens and legal immigrants who already are here.

You know how wonderful have been the results of state laws passed in Oklahoma, Georgia and Arizona. The SAVE Act essentially does what those state laws do, except on a national level.
in this email:
actions in brief:
Go to your Action Buffet corkboard and send the faxes.

Make the phone calls on Friday.

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