Okay, can we all agree that Obama must go? If so, who is left that doesn't support open borders, amnesty for illegals, tuition assistance for illegals, driver's licenses for illegals, and does support a nation-wide E-Verify program? Who has said that Arizona's immigration law should be a "model" for the country? Who has said that illegals will self-deport if we take away all the magnetes that draw them, including jobs? Additionally, who supports English as our official language and has said he would veto the Dream Act? Who said, the 11 million illegal immigrants estimated to be living in the United States need to “get in line behind everyone else” by returning to their native countries and applying for legal status?

I'm sorry, I just don't get it. Regardless of party, I see Romney as our best bet for "hope and change" on the illegal immigrant front. For anyone that disagrees, I challenge you to present your candidate of choice and tell us what he or she will do to deal with illegal immigration and border security.