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New Sanctuary Movement – Deconstructed
Tony Dolz

Tony Dolz is a National Security Analyst with the California Coalition for Immigration Reform (CCIR) and author of papers and articles on border security and immigration reform. Mr. Dolz and his wife, a business woman, reside in Santa Monica with their 6 year old son and 2 year old daughter. Tony Dolz is a founding member of the Minutemen border security and immigration reform grass-roots organization ("America's Biggest Neighborhood Watch") and the State of California Legislative Liaison for the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC). Mr. Dolz is a candidate for the 30th Congressional District in the November 2008 presidential election, a position currently held by Congressman Henry Waxman. The 30th Congressional District covers the West Los Angeles coastal area from Santa Monica to Oxnard and from the Pacific Ocean to Beverly Hills, West Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley up to the southern edge of Ventura County. More information on Mr. Dolz can be found at website or by writing to his email address
Tony Dolz

May 9, 2007
New Sanctuary Movement – Deconstructed

Bed and Breakfast Immigration Dog and Pony Show

[quote]On the same day that the nation is shaken by a plot by illegal alien Muslim extremists to slaughter scores of U.S. soldiers and civilians at Fort Dix, New Jersey, open borders and illegal alien advocates and profiteers are planning a campaign to gain Amnesty for up to 20 million cheap and docile third-world workers living as an underclass among us. Have we learned nothing from the 9/11 Commission recommendations to protect our borders and track down the whereabouts of illegal aliens.

America’s borders are open and unprotected and for a good reason: MONEY. Criminal drug cartels with an influence and corruption footprint from Washington DC’s Capitol Hill to the Federal District of Mexico City earn a whopping $140 billion annually; while arms and human traffickers pry a more modest $10 to $15 billion trade. Income from criminal activity vastly overshadows Mexico’s biggest source of foreign revenues, oil, which brings in a paltry $11 billion.

Exerting a ponderous heavy hand, magnitudes greater, is global capital. Serious global capital has for centuries moved money and influence anywhere in the world with equal ease and never short of assists from accommodating politicians. In times past, production of goods and services and their consumption was both local. In the recent past, capital was blessed by dropping prices on transportation and telecommunications making the outsourcing of production to cheap labor markets practical and vastly profitable. In our own time we have seen massive numbers of illegal aliens (America’s guest worker program) streaming through the nation’s purposely left open borders. Global capital and domestic profiteers in America’s service sector hungered for these cheap hands and our elected representatives delivered dutifully. This was the last frontier for one-world global capital; to fill service jobs that are impossible to outsource and to drive down the wages of the remaining manufacturing jobs. We have robust employment figures in America, only that jobs in many cases pay less than we were taking home because we have so many people illegally in our country willing to do it for less, much less. Many labor unions are still on denial while millions of illegal aliens are working their way up the career ladder from under the table day laborers to underpaid or tax-cheating factory or construction worker.

There are millions of illegal aliens that cannot make ends meet and joining them are Black Americans and first generation legal immigrants whose jobs have vanished or whose wages have sunk below a living wage. The remedy for less than living wages is for example tax-paid social services, free education enriched with free breakfasts, lunch and remedial assistance for a massive number of non-English speaking students, free medical services from our Emergency hospitals (which by law cannot deny treatment of broken nails to maternity or brain surgery to illegal aliens.

School Districts, School Administrators and teachers unions have been particularly visible in their support of the non-enforcement of immigration laws and the support of open borders political elected representatives, Why? The federal and state government pays the school districts, colleges and universities on the number of occupied seats. It does not matter if the derriere is a legal or an illegal one. Education in America has a “don’t ask – don’t tellâ€