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'New social compact' on illegal immigration
August 25, 2006

Re "How to grab back control on illegal immigration," Current, Aug. 20

Peter Skerry's statements are unbelievably simplistic and show that he has limited real-world experience relevant to this complex set of issues. Skerry proposes a "new social compact" under which we give government benefits to illegal immigrants in return for certain commitments, such as staying out of the criminal justice system and making sure that their children attend school regularly.

For the sake of argument, let's skip issues related to the cost and impracticability of setting up and running a bureaucracy for the enforcement and monitoring of such a social compact. Let's also skip the argument that such a governmentally imposed social-compact scheme legitimizes the initial "illegality." If Skerry really thinks this would "grab back control," why limit it to only illegal immigrants? Why don't we require that commitment of all applicants for government licenses and benefits? That way, we could instantly and drastically reduce the crime rate and improve the education prospects of everyone.



Skerry deliberately tries to confuse illegal immigration with its legal counterpart.

If we want to integrate illegal immigrants into our society, the proper procedure is to legalize their status first — either through a guest worker program, general amnesty or otherwise. Then they would be eligible for driver's licenses. To suggest otherwise is to advocate subverting the rule of law itself. Contrary to Skerry's assertion, illegal immigrants are criminals by definition.

The California Legislature got this one right.


Los Angeles