Sheeple just do not remember... I dont get it! anyway here is a copy of the petition you can send to the Republican National Committee, Republican Governors and Senators.

Dump John McCain
Dear Governors, Senators and Republican Committee Officials:

I the undersigned will not vote for John McCain in the 2008 November election.

His lifelong support of open borders, amnesty and massive immigration into the United States makes him unfit to be President of the United States.

Sen. McCain as the Republican candidate for President would be a catastrophe for the Republican Party. With his stance for open borders, amnesty, no jobs and unending war, he is incapable of defeating any Democratic candidate. His candidacy would drag down the entire Republican ticket of senators, house representatives and state legislators.

John McCain as President of the United States would be a catastrophe for the citizens and the future of our country.

I urge you will do everything in your power to prevent John McCain from becoming the Republican candidate and do whatever possible to bring him to defeat if he is nominated.

An American Citizen

here is the link :

if it does not open on that page , go to send emails