Freedom Requires Courage
Monday, October 26 2009 @ 02:13 PM MDT
Contributed by: BMcDonald
Views: 7

Freedom Requires Courage

We've all heard it a million times. America is the "Land of the free and home of the brave."
Is it? Is it really?

I've had people write to me and tell me they agree with this campaign to Kick Them All Out but they are afraid to sign on, make themselves known for fear of ending up on some list. I had a good friend tell me the same thing one day while talking on the phone. He confessed that he was afraid our conversation was being listened to by the government and that he may end up on some list. He wasn't shaking in his boots scared. It was more of a "Big Brother is watching" sense in the back of his mind but it was there nonetheless. It was a definite concern that should never have been in his mind in the first place. This is supposed to be a free country, isn't it?

When the idea for The Kick Them All Out Project first popped into my noggin I'll confess one of the first things that occurred to me was "Oh my God. If I'm successful with this they will kill me." Then I realized just how bad our nation must have become when this is one of the first things that occurred to me. This was almost four years ago. The reality is far more real today and much more out in the open. ... BrucesBlog

More information from Kick Them all Out.
