Re: re re: The jobs Americans won't do

Ok, let's try a little exersize. Try to imagine a world far, far, away, a long, long time ago before
one million illegals arrived on an annual basis.

Does anyone remember 1976 ?

I do.

I worked my way through UCLA painting apartments for $10-$15 an hour.

In 1976, $10 was worth more than it is today, and a college kid or teenager could work and actually
make a tidy sum.

Know how much apartment painting pays 30 years later ?

About $10 per hour.

$10 is worth FAAAAR less today than it was 30 years ago.

So, you may ask, why has the wage not gone up ? I mean, interest rates are low, and rents for
apartments have increased five fold if not more.

So, why are wage the same as they were 30 years ago ?

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, if wages had increased at least three fold, I can GUARANTEE that AMERICANS would take such jobs.


But due to the socio-economic nuk e of the Mexican and Central American SLAVE TRADE, which has become the opiate of both the LEFT AS WELL AS THE RIGHT, the MASSIVE influx of slaves has exerted
downmward pressure on wages, thus blowing Americans out of several industries.

As the original poster noted, Americans will not take the jobs whose wages are ridiculous.

However, had wages kept up with the times, more Americans would have been employed.

And dream for a moment, what society would be like without the Slave Trade....

...less graffiti....

...cheaper rents...

...less overcrowding...

...smaller classrooms...

....less gangs....

....lower taxes....

...better emergency medical car...

Go ahead, dream for a moment would our lives would be like without 20 - or 30 or 40 million illegals
flooding our lives...

Or call me racist and go on believing whatever you want to believe.

But should you do so, realize that the Republican Matrix that is thirsty for slaves has you.

Location: The Matrix Has YOU !