I keep reading posts everywhere, not just here that a march would be way to expensive, and we're better off using voting these people out, we are all praying the House is listening, that they will put the hammer down on this atrocity of a bill. We all know how votes can be manipulated, fraud is the way of the future for politicians, especially when it comes to votes, Illegals WILL be voting, and they will be pushed to vote for anyone that stands against us and for them, we know this. We played the fax/call/email waiting game and look where it has gotten us. We need exposure, we need to do something that CAN'T be ignored. So what if the Illegals marched first. SO WHAT, they did it in OUR country, on our streets, stepping on OUR flag, cursing our laws, and pissing on our way of life. And we're going to WAIT? and vote? yes it may work, it may not. And while we wait, they are planning as well, there are still millions of Americans who only know of the surface to whats really going on. WE NEED TO DO THIS, WE NEED TO MARCH ON WASHINGTON. AND SOON!
Everytime I hear, or see someone say we can't, or it takes to much money it reminds me of ole traitor bush when he said we CAN"T deport 12 million Illegals, why not? There are enough Americans willing to fund something like this, all we need is someone to get it rolling, it WILL snowball. And if I hear one more Oh I have to work, oh its too far, oh this oh that excuse, I'm slapping someone. With a burrito...lets get on this people, the waiting game is not working.