....We dislike people who break our laws to get here,,, including Brits, Russians, Chinese et al.
I got kicked out of England for working there!!!
I get aggravated every time I see someone living & working here with a British accent.
So you can call me an equal opportunity ILLEGAL Alien basher.

I'm so tired of the bleeding hearts catagorizing everyone who is against ILLEGAL immigration as RACISTS that I could puke.

Mexicans just happen to be here IN MASS. Flooding & Overwhelming our social services, raising our local taxes & fees, building their own culture rather than assimilate, filling our prisions with their criminals, taking jobs from Americans, dragging down wages, sending all that money back to mexico - and their -
(mod edit) you, we're coming whether you Americans like it or not " in OUR FACE ATTITUDE.
Now, golly gee --- why would we possible have a bad attitude about it!!!! DUH!

Why don't they put all their energy towards FIXING all the corrupt thieves IN MEXICO??? In THEIR country they're a bunch of do-nothing-about-it- wimps -- that come here & hide behind a bunch of bleeding heart liberal wimps that ran our country for wayyy too long. BUT THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGIN -- BABY!!
Then they could build a successful economy IN MEXICO -- and we'd be Great Friends & Trading partners with them.
The only reason they're here is...They wont take on the Mex government cause they dont have the balls.

THEY are absolutely trying to settle, breed and populate the Western & Southwestern USA til it's de facto part of Mexico --- which it's getting closer to becoming every day.

And BTW - we'd be just as psssssd off if it was 20 million Swedes or Russians FLOODING into our country ILLEGALLY.
.....tho we might let some of those swedish & russian dames stay! HAR HAR HAR.... figured i might as well throw a little "sexism" in here to go along with my "racism" !

So get over your attitude that we're RACISTS. --- and while you're at it --- get the hell outta our country.