
I want you to know that we need more people on our boards and more comments under the news articles. When you discuss or debate news articles on our site, you push that material higher on the internet for others to see out there in the world.

Next week will be an activist working week and we will be using these boards as our core platform of operations.

Sometime in the next 48 hours, Im going to send out a national email calling for this Friday through next Friday to be FORUM week where we encourage as many people as possible to join us here.

Please invite friends on your personal contact lists.

Please invite others from other boards to come here to participate and increase the activity on our boards.

As most of you know, we have suffered through some serious website problems and we need your help in the coming week to fire things up again.

Ive been looking back through many of the older discussions from last year. Most of them have been read by visitors hundreds of times. Many have been read by visitors thousands of times.

Please consider structuring some of you comments in ways that encourage others to take action.

People have to organize and people must give of their time and funds if we are going to prevail in this fight. There is no way around it.

Debating and posting here serves a purpose, but we need each participant to understand the workings of our boards and activist operations.

We hope that each board member will be an ALIPAC contributor and if you contributed in 2005, we hope you will immediately RENEW your contribution in 2006 or take advantage of our paypal monthly contribution feature.

Let's get everyone revved up and ready to roll!

We are taking our fight to the US Senate and several state legislatures next week! We are going after some employers that hire illegal aliens too!


Sometimes, things slow down on our boards just when we go into work mode. Please don't let that happen this time. We are more walk than talk here right folks?

I hope everyone is ready to make some calls, calls, calls.

Are you with us?!?!? Are you ready?!?!?