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  1. #1
    BobG's Avatar
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    Nothing `Mexican` on Cinco de Mayo

    “Nothing Mexican on Cinco de Mayo”

    I am becoming more nationalistic by the day.

    I have always believed that I live in the greatest country in history, and I am unapologetic for the blessings that God, a pioneer spirit and a favorable climate have bestowed upon us. But, day by day, I become more aware of the forces, from within and without, that want to destroy my homeland or, at the very least, abuse its resources. And I am growing angry.

    For example, I have finally reached the boiling point on illegal immigration. We are a nation of laws, including those that control how visitors can enter this country, how long they can stay and how they can become permanent citizens. I expect those visitors to obey the same laws that citizens are expected to follow; and I expect my government to enforce the law when those visitors choose to ignore it.

    “It’s bad enough when the invaders (and that’s what they are) sneak across the border by night, then hide in the undocumented crevices of society. It is quite another thing to then demand, by the light of day, that their lawlessness be excused. Such have been the marches staged across the nation and in my Capitol– thousands of lawbreakers protesting my representatives’ efforts to control our borders and stop the lawlessness.

    It angers me when the interlopers so brazenly demand the protection of the same law that they flaunted with their very first steps on American soil. My blood boiled as I watched student illegals skip the classes that you and I paid for to protest that you and I aren’t doing enough. I fumed as I watched illegals, waving the Mexican flag, insist that I “treat them like Americans.”

    America is my home. I consider myself a generous and hospitable kind of guy, but you have overstepped your bounds when you break into my house… eat my food and sleep in my bed, and then demand that I “forgive and forget” and treat you like a member of the family.

    It is not like we ask the impossible of the illegals. Hundreds of thousands of people from around the world have come to this country legally, persevered through the process, “studied to show themselves approved” and earned the precious honor of American citizenship. It can be done; the invaders simply choose not to make the effort.

    I probably wouldn’t be so angry if I trusted my elected officials to do the right thing– but I don’t. I have never seen so many spineless and self-serving excuses for leadership as I have in elected office, primarily in the U.S. Senate. Some of proposed “solutions,” especially the ones that include amnesty for lawbreakers, cheapen the freedom that we hold so dear and are a slap in the face of those immigrants who came here legally.

    Many state and local officials– the folks who actually face the chaos caused by illegal immigration every day– have a better understanding of the crisis than do the clueless in Washington, DC. The locals see the gang warfare, the declining neighborhoods, the glutted job market and the hospital emergency rooms crowded by sniffling children.

    The problem, unfortunately, has grown so large that it demands a national solution. And I don’t think that the incompetents in Washington have the fortitude to do what must be done.

    “Nothing Gringo on May 1″

    I finally reached the end of my rope when I read of yet another protest, a “Day Without Immigrants” boycott scheduled for May 1 that is also being marketed by activists as “Nothing Gringo on May 1.” Judging by the conversations I have had with friends and family, I know that many of you have had enough as well.

    As I said, there is not much that we can do on a local level to combat the illegal immigration problem except support like-minded elected officials with our dollars and our votes. But I plan to do something that may make me feel just a little better. And I invite you to join me.

    “Nothing Mexican on Cinco de Mayo”

    This year, “Cinco de Mayo” (”the 5th of May”) falls on a Friday. Normally, I would be in my favorite Mexican restaurant enjoying a “burrito supremo” and a couple of monster margaritas. This year, that ain’t happening.

    For the most part, the holiday of Cinco de Mayo is a limited, regional holiday in Mexico, celebrated most vigorously in the state of Puebla where the Mexican militia repulsed a French invasion attempt in 1862. The holiday has actually become a bigger deal in the U.S. where commercial interests have promoted the holiday with products and services focused on Mexican food, beverages and festivities.

    This year, Cinco de Mayo will be a celebration of my hope that America will repulse the current invasion of illegal aliens. I will not patronize my favorite Mexican restaurant nor any other Hispanic-owned or “Mexican-themed” business on May 5 or the week thereafter. Neither will I employ the services of any company that I know to employ illegal aliens.

    If you feel as frustrated and as voiceless as I do, please join me in my mini-protest and support America’s sovereignty with your dollars on Friday, May 5. My protest is being widely promoted; you are welcome to forward this to your personal mail list. You are also invited to comment on this article at my blog,

    [This article is available in a printable format here.]

  2. #2
    pixeldoctor's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    Yes I support the boycott on Cinco de Mayo completely!!!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Mamie's Avatar
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    Sweet Home Alabama
    if you're fed up, you've come to the right place -- welcome aboard.

    “It’s bad enough when the invaders (and that’s what they are) sneak across the border by night, then hide in the undocumented crevices of society. It is quite another thing to then demand, by the light of day, that their lawlessness be excused. Such have been the marches staged across the nation and in my Capitol– thousands of lawbreakers protesting my representatives’ efforts to control our borders and stop the lawlessness.
    OUR President said he wanted these 'folks' to come out of the shadows -- that's exactly what they've done!

    And I for one am sick and tired of hearing how these protest are like the civil rights marches of the 60's. If they can prove Martin Luther King and the black citizens of this country marched in the streets of Mexico or any other country for rights, then maybe it might make sense and people would listen.

    The black CITIZENS of this country were not trying to EARN CITIZENSHIP -- they WERE and still are citizens of OUR country protected under OUR constitution. The black citizens of this country have fought in every war -- they died on foreign soil on the frontlines for freedom while still sitting in the backseat of the bus -- these are OUR fellow countrymen WE ARE AMERICANS and neither Ted Kennedy nor Hillary Clinton can change that fact NOR do they have the right to distort it

    If the Mexican vote is so important to them, I might suggest they move to Mexico
    "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana "Deo Vindice"

  4. #4
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    If the Mexican vote is so important to them, I might suggest they move to Mexico
    A banana plantation awaits them all...they should hustle on down there and tend their fruit.

    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  5. #5
    Senior Member Mamie's Avatar
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    Sweet Home Alabama
    Quote Originally Posted by Judy
    If the Mexican vote is so important to them, I might suggest they move to Mexico
    A banana plantation awaits them all...they should hustle on down there and tend their fruit.

    that's cute ... if they can't afford the trip, we'll take up a collection
    "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana "Deo Vindice"

  6. #6
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'll chip in for a couple of "burros".

    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    And, a few PESOS! But, PLEASE don't burden those poor little burros. Let's put them on some Greyhound buses with just enough expensive gas for a one-way trip back to those banana plantations!

    OUR President said he wanted these 'folks' to come out of the shadows -- that's exactly what they've done!
    That's exactly right, Mamie, and they are a testimony to the government's determination to enforce our laws. When McCain, Kennedy and all of their cronies say it would be IMPOSSIBLE to round up "11 million" illegals, they need only to post every ICE agent in the country at these "rallies" with a paddy wagon and start a MASSIVE ROUNDUP. If our representatives are SO DELUSIONAL that they think these people are living in the "shadows", they need to take a little trip to the Wal-Mart on the weekend or to the nearest Emergency room or to every school in the country and they will see that these people are blatantly "out of the shadows" sucking every American citizen dry.

    I, for one, am fed up with my government insulting the intelligence of the REAL American people by trying to pull the wool over our collective eyes.
    But, mark my words, those protesters are being heard and intimidated by the very people that WE, AMERICAN CITIZENS, have elected to office. They are going to get what they are DEMANDING while we sit back and watch them carrying their Mexican flags and speaking Spanish. We, as a nation, have become so complacent that we think that right will prevail if we just sit back and wait.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Mamie's Avatar
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    this should be a wake-up call to ALL Americans and a call to arms -- OUR worst enemy is the enemy within -- the federal government. If Congress is allowed to completely sell out this country, it's all downhill from there -- things will only get worse and before long, there will be an exile from America and Mexico will start looking pretty good to its citizens.

    I'm just afraid OUR government will throw us into a war with Iran or we might be 'attacked' to get our focus off of what's going on ...
    "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana "Deo Vindice"

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    That wouldn't surprise me at all, Mamie. I think that's why there's been so much hype recently about Iran. I mean, after all, we've known for YEARS that they would like to have nuclear weapons. Nothing has changed EXCEPT the war in Iraq is going to hell in a handbasket and Bush's poll numbers are dropping like LEAD so they need to get us stirred up about SOMETHING other than Iraq or illegal aliens. Nothing this administration does would shock me. They are probably huddled over their "war plans" as we speak planning another "shock and awe" bombing but this time the country they are attacking actually has a military, money AND arms.

  10. #10
    Super Moderator Newmexican's Avatar
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    I stopped eating at Mexican restaurants a while back. Many are the "underground railroad for the illegals. Also, because I am a silly about things like lack of inoculations, drug resistant TB etc, etc. I don't go near them.
    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

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