Friends of ALIPAC:

I just want to make a post here to test the waters on an important issue.

Later this year, my NC Driver license is scheduled to expire.

I have a clean driving record and a clean criminal record, and I use to teach Drivers Education a few years back.

My problem is that the new NC Licenses contain two new security components.

One is the FRT or (Facial Recognition Technology) which will put my facial biometric information into a computer system allowing me to be tracked by machines anytime I am seen by a camera connected to the system via the government or private businesses.

The second component is an Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip which can be scanned at a distance to determine who I am.

I object to this technology being forced on me on many grounds.

1. I am certain that over 90% of the people in my state do not know about these technologies being present in our new licenses. There has been no national or statewide debate on this issue. The political ramifications for us or our children in the future have not been discussed or weighted.

2. I object strongly on political grounds because I believe this system is part of the North American Union plan and that my data will be shared with the governments of Canada and Mexico. Not only will the US Government have historic and unprecedented surveillance information on me and other citizens, but so will foreign governments. In the case of Mexico, a government that highly disapproves of my political stances will have access to data about my travels, associations with other Americans, and purchases.

3. I object on religious grounds. This technology establishes an electronic virtual omnipresence and I believe there is room for only ONE omnipresence in my life and it is not Michael Chertoff and his successors. This system also establishes a number in association with my face/head and demands that I accept this number to be able to drive, fly, work, enter buildings, eat. This is too uncannily similar to scripture found in the Bible which I believe in.

I cannot accept or apply for a new license without feeling I have just handed my government and other governments unprecedented power over me which has NOTHING to do with my ability to DRIVE!

My question is this.....

I know this issue tears right down the middle of our movement because many of our supporters oppose Real ID while many others support it.

Those that support it believe it will be used to stop illegal immigration and terrorism, however, the same globalists pushing Real ID are pushing for Amnesty and Open Borders.

Will you stick with me and ALIPAC if I make the decision to openly fight against these technologies and refuse to accept or apply for a new NC license which may result in me being unable to drive or fly or work another job?

Please let me know your honest feelings about this.
